When on Monday I opened the curtains, I thought the houses and trees in front of my window had disappeared probably due to the Corona Virus or the Global Warming. Fortunately it didn't last the whole day but only in the morning.
To open an account in a Bank and deposit money these days becomes as difficult as getting an audience with the Pope.
Nothing works without an appointment, so I listened to the whole menu and finally explained that I only wanted to open an account. I got my appointment. I arrived on time and was welcomed, not exactly with a red carpet, but at least the lady was very friendly.
Two hours later I was still sitting in my chair, the lady had a red face and two colleagues were there to help her open an account "online". Apparently they weren't used to it. Finally, the youngest solved the problem in two minutes. The advantage of this kind of account is, that you don't have to pay any fees because it is ... online.
I was nearly thrown out because the bank wanted to close. Armed with a note on which everything should be written, I returned home. I was exhausted but my saving account was ready to save (what ??)

The next day I went to Rick to pay him a visit and deliver him 4 packages of wafels 10 per package. That should last a week but often he claimed for more. Unfortunately it doesn't increase his weight and he still looks very skinny. He seems to feel better because for the first time he greeted me with "Ah it's you, I am watching a movie" ! Good sign because at least he watching TV again which he hadn't done for months.
My son had asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I choose these earrings which should represent a cat's paw, but I am not so sure that people will find out. Anyway the benefit of these earrings went to a cat's shelter. It arrived 2 weeks after Christmas ! That's called snail mail, because the earrings had been sent in time, but the post office was on slow motion !
They are real small and look cute.
Miss Rosie during night tidies up the whole apartment and also feeds her mouse ! This is what I saw in the morning
Besides the battle between vaccinated and unvaccinated fills the news, I wonder about what they would talk without the virus. All wars are now at the end of the news !
Nothing special happened and I wait that spring moves in !
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Susanne at Living to tell the Story.