For this reason I went through the car wash and while I went through I took some pictures, always thinking of a photo theme. At home I also cleaned the inside and thought that this was enough physical exercise for the day.
Then I took my car to the Toyota Garage for the check up and while it was done, I walked over to Nicole who lives nearby for a cup of coffee. Charlie her dog thought I would have brought him a bone again, and sniffed and sniffed at my purse until I opened it to show him that there was nothing interesting for him inside, he was very disappointed !

After about 2 h I called the garage, my car was ready and Nicole and Charlie came with me to pick it up. Everything was OK and now I am in peace for 10.000 km (6.200 miles) ! I wonder how long it will take me to make them !
2. My cat Kim who hates to be brushed and runs away when she only sees one (even holding it behind your back) was full of knots and I had to take her to the groomer.
Catching and putting her in the carrier is exhausting ! And listen to her meow concert in the car too ! I arrived there as a wreck and fell on the next chair. This cat is a real hypocrite, while at home she makes such a fuss, at the groomer as soon as she was sitting on the table she purred and made pasta with her paws, in short the happiest cat of the world !
3. I got a phone call from my oldest friend, we know each other since we were 8, and she talked non stop for an hour from Germany, I couldn't place a word sometimes I tried to interrupt her but no way she didn't even listen. Finally I put the phone on the kitchen table, cleaned the kitchen, went with the phone to our front yard and pulled out some weeds growing in the gravel until finally she asked me what news I had ! We agreed on a meeting in a near future !
4. My inside/outside thermometer didn't show the outside temperature anymore and I had thought the outside box had been stolen. I had ordered a new one on internet a month ago, which hasn't arrived yet.
The new one
When I saw one on promotion in a shop for a very good price I bought it. I installed the outside box in the hedge of the front yard, and found the box of the old one ! We had both looked at the wrong place ! Now we will have 3 when the Internet shopping arrives and then with 3 thermometers I certainly will know the outside temperature and how to dress !

Next weekend we will have our yearly painting exhibition. A last briefing took place and we all gathered around the coffee pots and cakes and cookies. Our "administrator", (on the picture at the top left) a former teacher to make us listening to what she already shouted, had taken a bell with her and each time someone chatted, she rang the bell. We had a lot of fun because she still behaves like an old teacher and treats us as if we were all 6 years old. I brought her a stick, in case one of the little pupils were not behaving. We ended our meeting with hurting bellies so much we had laughed !
more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.