Scrabble Monday was as usual, it rained and we were playing, I had very bad letters and lost again of course. We had strawberry cake which was very good.
Miss Isis watched over us ! She loves scrabble, there are so many leather shoes under the table to sniff at.
The next day Mr. G and I had to go to the bank not as bank robbers but only to give autographs.
In the car we heard about how many dead today, because of the Corona virus, there was one ! and a few infected a bit everywhere in the world.
After coming out of the bank in the same radio station there were a few infected more but not yet dead. We picked up two "Woopers" in the new "King Burger" which had just opened, before there was another one, and listened to an interview of a politician I don't remember which country who discussed the situation of the Corona virus ! Coming home and serving the burgers, I switched on the TV and heard Mr. Trump saying that there is no danger for the USA. He must know. I couldn't hear the word Corona anymore and changed channel. Unfortunately for me they just showed material against the Corona virus, masks, pills, doctors, steril uniforms etc and nothing else. Not even a little war or a car accident.
We watched a movie and went to bed without masks !
To my surprise for the first time this year it had snowed and we were end February and flowers had already come out ! It lasted half an hour and then the world was green again, at least my little world around the garden.
In the afternoon, I went apartment hunting. I had a few addresses and wanted to see at least the outside and surroundings. There is quite a big choice and they all looked very nice.

This one was nice but I don't know if it will be still free when we could move in !
I want a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment with balcony, living room and at least 100 m2, but or they were too far from the center or they were on the first or second floor and I want to be at least on the 4th ! My whole life I was sitting on the ground now I want to sit high and watch the roofs and not the hedges !
Again each time I went in the car there were Corona virus infected people here and there and also in Italy. I am sure that my SIL is already half dead only because it could arrive on her 5th floor.
Next week our house will be put on the market and then the circus will start ! I better don't think of it !
As it was carnival some of us came disguised ! I wanted to be a Corona virus because I had seen somebody disguised like that and it was so funny. He was wrapped in bandage from top to bottom and had a white hat with a golden crown and a mask.
But I had not enough bandage and no crown so I disguised myself as a "gilet jaune" (yellow vest ) remember the strikes in France which turned into a riot.
We also had "Red Feather" and a professor a Mexican and a Bavarian. The others didn't like to disguise themselves they were not used to it. We had a lot of fun you can imagine.
Already when I entered the building the cleaning women and the whole staff who saw me bursted out in laughter and escorted me to the room.
After painting class where I ruined my painting, we went for lunch together and then I returned home to write my blog and check the photos.
The snow was completely gone, except in the Ardennes where on the highway an accident happened and caused a 40 km long queue !
When we have three snowflakes in Belgium the whole traffic collapses !

and here are my night (and day) caps. No wonder that I am tired with these two always in front of my eyes as an example
more participants at
Susanne at Living to tell the Story.