Going through the passport control is a real adventure and you have to be armed with a lot of patience and humor ! Hundreds of tourists waited to get one stamp in their visa, and there was only one counter open, with one working man, who stamped and stamped and stamped and I am sure he will continue stamping while he is sleeping in his bed. Behind him were two "controllers" who chatted and chatted loud about something very interesting and they laughed they were probably talking about their women or maybe the impatient tourists. None of them had the idea to open another counter. It took about an hour just to get the stamp with a big smile ! People are very friendly !
The bus which took us to our hotel was already there, we were welcomed and got a nice room, one for Dominique and me and one for Nicole. We were very tired unpacked our suitcases, had an apperitif and then went for supper. Nothing had changed, the restaurant was still so beautiful and we had a lovely dinner. After that we dropped into our beds ! Unfortunately a mosquito had decided to share the room with us, so we woke up several times because this friendly thing had stung us and it itched despite the fact that we had put a special product on our arms but we had forgotten our fingers ! This night we will pay more attention that none comes in !
In the morning when I woke up I had this wonderful view right out of my bed.

I went on the balcony and had my first cup of coffee ! What a pleasure it was 7.30 am and already 23°C ! After a very good breakfast we started our "work" at the beach at 9 am. The sun rises so early
and sunset is already around 4.30 pm so it's better to start the day early morning and go early to bed !
Here we are observing the tourists ! Nothing escapes our eagle eyes ! This year there are a lot of English an German people, less Russians and less other Eastern country tourists. The seawater is delicious, warm and blue and full of tiny little fishes. It's a pleasure to swim in there as the salty water carries you so that you just lay down and move a bit. In the afternoon we had 28°C !
There is also a restaurant at the beach where we had a cold lunch. Vegetable salads, cheese, local cold things but you also could have a warm meal. But twice a warm meal per day is too much.
Dominique and Nicole did Acqua Gym, tried out belly dancing and gymnastic. I was too lazy and chatted with English people.
After lunch we lay there and relaxed before I went back to the room to "computer" a bit, I had enough sun for the first day !
People had fun at the beach, the young man "buried" his girlfriend and decorated her as camel !
The sea is so, clean and clear and has a whole blue based color shape.
This was our first day !
For those who are worried about me being in Egypt I can only say here at the Red Sea there is nothing. The people are adorable, very friendly and helpful. We are far away from Cairo (500 km) where the troubles are.