more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.
1. I absolutely wanted to wear a special pullover as it gets cooler now, and of course couldn't find it. The result was that I emptied my closet and found long forgotten pullovers, old once I don't want to wear anymore so I used the opportunity to sort out what is still wearable and what is to be given away. The pullover I was looking for remained disappeared. I found it later in the dryer with other washed laundry which I had forgotten ! I hope my brain doesn't become like a "Gruyère" the cheese with the holes in it.

In the beginning of the week we still had wonderful sunny summer days. After having bought some colors for my paintings, I stopped at Nicole's and sitting on her balcony we enjoyed the view over the gardens while Charlie took probably one of his last sunbaths.
3. Mr. G's 10 year old car had to be replaced as it got more and more expensive diseases. So when I came back from the Lake of Geneva, we decided to buy a Hybrid car. I had driven my friend's car who has the same half of the way to Thonon and back to Waterloo and loved it. Especially that it doesn't consume a lot of petrol only 60 % as a normal car, and drives on electricity when you drive under +- 60 km/h (37miles) which costs nothing. Ideal for the city ! As I drive more then him I got the new one and he inherited my only 4 year old Opel Corsa.

I picked it up on Wednesday and here I am the proud owner of a new Toyota Yaris, with the approval of cat Arthur who likes the fact that his fur is assorted to the color !
4. Amongst 6000 couples our age, we had been chosen by the Ministry of Health for a statistic ! An elderly man visited us, armed with his computer and first interviewed Mr. G. and then me. Mr. G's interview took quiet a long time, because to the question "when did you have your last visit to a specialist in the last 6 months ?" He started from birth til today (nearly) and the poor man got quiet confused. He had to answer if he suffers cholesterol, heart problems, hearing problems, arthritis, if he had broken his hips, if he walks at least 500 m per day (which made me laugh, as he walks daily from the sofa to his office) etc. After nearly one hour the poor man had finished with Mr. G. and his detailed health problems. With me it was done in half an hour as I only answered yes or no and didn't make whole tales. Then he left us with a 6 page questionary to be filled in in one month time. So far I haven't had a look on it. I wonder what will come out of the statistics ? Do they cut or increase the health care budget ?
5. In my painting class everybody was working "hard" to finish the last of their paintings for the exhibition next weekend.

I also finished mine, which is quiet big, because I didn't have smaller canvas anymore.
I did my weekly shopping and made a lot of detours just to try out the new car. And as the city center was completely congested I drove with electricity only and didn't use any petrol ! What a pleasure for the wallet !