13 Sept 2024


This week it was really cold during nights and mornings, sometimes not more then 10°C ! Fortunately the walls of our castle are so thick and the huge windows double glazed, so that it is very warm inside.  I have to live with a thermometer ! 

The whole week we played against other retirement homes in Waterloo, I don't know yet what trophy the winner will get ! Only on Tuesday besides the weekly mass there was nothing, and I was not happy about that, not so for me, because I had to go to the optician to choose a frame for new glasses. When I came back it was just the end of a game. Our two animators when they saw that there were so many people not going to the mass, had started a Quiz. They all complained that they were not informed that there was an activity besides the mass. Therefore I went to the manager's assistant and told her that this is nearly blackmailing, or you go to the mass or you stay in your room. Somebody who wants to go to mass he goes activity or not, I pointed out that the former manager had hired one of the animator for weekends and Tuesdays ! My complaint was successful, from next week on it will be like before. 

For our competition with the other retirement homes we had to build a tower with plastic cups and paper. It was rather difficult because of trembling hands, but we managed to build a tower with 5 goblets. Kim and Elinor tried to get it higher.

In the room besides me lives a tiny lady who looks like a faded doll. She is very helpful and sweet unfortunately for her health she drinks a lot ! She told us that she is alcoholic since her husband died and she is now so old that she only wants to feel happy. Sometime during night she wanders through the corridors looking for half emptied carafes. She is generous, she offers her personal wine to us we all refused, except our nearly 100 year old Jeannie who drank half a glass and then got dizzy, so she stopped. Her son who was there too laughed because she had gotten red cheeks. To one of the cleaning girls she offered a glass of Whisky, which was not accepted of course. Today she told me that she is 87 and I was really surprised because she looks so much younger. At that age it is useless to convince her to stop drinking, and she is good tempered and doesn't harm anybody. I hope she is happy.  

Now that the weather is cold we have to play inside, but it is such a beautiful huge place that it doesn't matter.
When it comes to a conversation without hearing aid, it comes to such misunderstandings, which makes us always laugh out loud ! And the once who are the "victims" laugh with us. It's always a very cheerful ambiance.

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.

12 Sept 2024



1. When the Hodgepodge lands on September 11th I want to acknowledge that. Will you purposely pause to remember, pray, or attend any sort of ceremony on 9/11? Share any thoughts or memories you'd like to share about this day.

Some people in Europe will certainly remember this day, because they lost a relative, a friend or a work colleague who have been killed. Of course it was mentioned in all Newspapers and TV.

2. Growing up, did you spend a lot of time with your grandparents? What's something you learned from a grandparent? 

I have learned everything for life from my maternal grandma because she brought me up until I was 6 years old. Later I didn't see her very often because she lived 600 km away, as an adult I hadn't any contact with my paternal grandparents, they had died. 

3. What's your go-to breakfast?   

For about 51 years I only had a cup of coffee, when I  had to eat something I now have "Müsli" which consists of oat flakes and dried fruits. I also add a fresh kiwi.

4. Tell us the story behind one of your favorite photos. 

I have so many photos at least 7 or 8 thousand if not more, from family and travels but also from participating in photography international groups. 

This collage is my favorite, it represents my husband all over the 54 years we were married, and then he passed away

5. This week Friday lands on the 13th. Are you superstitious in any way? Do you like scary movies, and if so what's your favorite ? 

I am not at all superstitious, I would play in a casino and hope to win, I lived for 20 years with a black cat and I always walk through a ladder. I love crime stories but with a touch of humor. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I think why do I still see through a veil and sometimes feel dizzy. Tonight I finally found the reason, it's a sleeping pill that the doctor prescribed to me and that my body doesn't want. It doesn't like medication at all !  I then asked my doctor not to prescribe me new things, I just don't support them. That's already the second medication. I lived so far for 81 years and intend to add some years more !




11 Sept 2024



This is the Valley of the Kings and the tourist craze that takes place in front of the entrances to the tombs. I visited it twice, once in 2002 with Rick and my aunt's neighbors from the States,  and then years later with two friends.

more participants here, and Image-in-ing

10 Sept 2024




More participants with HAPPY TUESDAY

8 Sept 2024



 Kitten Arthur when he arrived in our home

Linking to AWWW MONDAYS 







I spent a nice weekend despite the fact that I was still suffering from withdrawal symptoms because I  stopped taking cortisone and then wondered why I felt so bad. I was hoping that when my son and grandson arrived on Saturday I would feel better, but I still had blurry eyes and felt dizzy at times. 

They arrived at noon, with dog Leia and when they entered my room, cat and dog looked at each other, Rosie made huge eyes but remained in her basket and Leia must have thought that this cat must be a family member and lay down. That was the first time they were in the same room and it went very well.

Of course for the dog our park is ideal for running around and chasing her ball ! Then Dario my son picked up 2 or 3 hamburgers or cheeseburger each,  they both have a very good appetite. They sat at our picnic table in the park and they swallowed the hamburgers in no time, I had already eaten. 

They played in the park until 3 pm, time to sit on the terrace and playing a game with all the others. The weather was wonderful, and we were 21 oldies to play. Toby likes to play with all the grandmas and likes them in general, he served them cookies and Dario set the tables with cups and then poured the coffee. Of course everyone was impressed by the two giants (2 m and 1,95 m) and I was happy because they were so nice. Even Leia visited all the laps and got some cookie pieces.

Everybody was happy with the dogs, there was another one on visit and both got a lot of cuddles ! 

The afternoon went by very quickly, and at 5.30 pm they left, because they were invited for a barbecue at Dario's best friend.  

I was quite dizzy after they left, had supper and at 8 pm I was exhausted and went to bed.


 These are Rosie's eyes when she saw Leia 


In the picture posing like the organ pipes,  and sitting at the table for first our game and then coffee. On the picture below right, Leia enters my room and looks at my grandson and Rosie. 

Sunday the temperature dropped by 10°C it rained and there was a strong wind. I was still feeling badly, but at 3pm I went playing  a game that translated was named “hang on the gallows”. You had to find a word and each time you didn't find it a gallows was drawn. 

After having assured my little Italian lady (94)  that her parents are still alive and in good health and that they are waiting for her, I returned to my room. If you don't agree with her she gets very angry and then starts to cry. So I play the game and then she remains calm and forgets.