During the night of Monday to Tuesday I woke up several times and stated that something was wrong with me. My whole body was aching and I didn't feel well at all.
2. I panicked because on Sunday I am going to Germany near Cologne, to visit my oldest friend whom I knew from 1951 on. First thing in the morning I called my doctor and went to her consultation. She said that I had the beginning of a flu ! How nice.

While she did the prescription for a special medication to prevent that the flu really comes out, I observed a squirrel which ate from the feeder she has in her garden. Was it cute ! Our squirrels are reddish and much smaller than the once you see in the States and in the UK.
I went to the pharmacy to pick up my medication and spent the rest of the week between computer, bed and TV !

Even the bin men seemed interesting to me, especially because it was not the normal garbage, but furniture, mattresses and all kind of stuff people got rid off. The whole day cars went by to collect mostly the metal, before the official bin truck arrived.
From my window I saw a squirrel in the neighbor's garden, I can't remember when I have seen one here around.
Of course I couldn't go to my painting class, I couldn't go nowhere, I felt lousy and had no energy at all.
Today I feel a little better and hopefully will have recovered by Sunday when I go per coach to Cologne where my friend picks me up at the station.

and here we are as children and then as adults. That was the last time I have seen her.
more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.