Mr. G had a very nice idea, he bought a little bird which should great our visitors with a joyful chirp.

The bird once installed on a cabinet in front of the door, did indeed it's duty, it chirped, but not when I opened the door to great the visitors but when they were already in the house and took their coats off. Which always caused a little shock of surprise and laughter when they saw that it was only a little ceramic bird. Maybe in ceramic, but with character.
It showed it the day the sun was shining for the first time since weeks but there were also clouds pushed by the wind which moved along the sky. And little birdie started to chirp each time when a cloud obscured the sun.
First time Mr. G and I sitting peacefully at our computers accused each other to have moved and made the bird chirp, but we both were innocent and like Miss Marple I concluded that the culprit was the sun. After 2 h of chirping, silence, chirping I had enough and thought I will find a place where it doesn't "see" the clouds. I could have turned it off or take out the battery but no, I wanted to show it who was the master.

I put it high up on my vitrine with all my cats and thought now it won't dare to chirp anymore or only when I open the door. But the bird thought otherwise and continued to welcome the clouds with its joyful chirps.

I put it besides the toilet on a little cabinet, where it shouldn't see the clouds but it must have very good eyes because it continued to chirp and as there were many clouds going by we both felt a little nervous. Finally I found the ideal place !

In the basket on the floor, where he still could greet eventual visitors but wouldn't see the clouds ! I put him there, besides the cat sitting in the basket to calm him down a little and it worked ! Clouds came and went by and the bird didn't make a sound.
Peace was again over the house. But not for long ! The bird chirped again ! It couldn't be the sun and nobody was in the entrance ! and then I realized ... now he chirps each time a cat goes by ! I think he won, I have to take the batteries off and great our visitors myself with a chirp.