1. The school holidays have started and the good thing is there is a lot less traffic in the city. Summer sales have started too and are lasting until the end of the month. In Belgium there are only twice "Sales" one on first of July and one first of January.
I didn't join the female crowd and storm into shops to catch a bargain. I wait until the end of the sales in case I need something because then it's really cheap.
2. It is still very hot here around 30 ° (86 F) I live with closed shutters to keep the heat out of the house. But I am lucky in our yard under the pergola it is nice and cool and the wind is blowing a bit.

3. This is my office for the moment, I really wished it would last at least the whole summer, it could rain during night, but not during the day !

4. Nicole owner of dog Charlie was very unhappy since he died more than a year ago. She told me she couldn't live without an animal. To adopt a dog was impossible, because she lives in a flat and would have to go out all the time and it's also difficult to find a place when you go on holidays. Her daughter works in an animal refuge and had sent her a picture of this cute cat. She is already adult but is a little cat and is supposed to be a Birman cat. Why she landed in a refuge is unknown probably she has a little breed fault somewhere. Of course I had to see her and she is real cute, and not shy at all after she spent the whole afternoon in the dark under the staircase until she finally came out !
I only saw her the next day on the way to our Scrabble group, I stopped at Nicole's to finally see her and fell in love ! Now Nicole is happy, when she comes home, there is somebody waiting for her.
5. We had again a very nice Scrabble afternoon, followed by coffee and and excellent cake !

It was very hot and we only did one game. Nobody went into the swimming pool though !