Claudie wanted to check an educative farm before she takes her class there, all little once from 3 to 4 !

It was very nicely done there were ducks, little playgrounds and a lot of explanations concerning environment, how plants grow etc.

And of course a lot of animals, donkeys, rapids, goats, and an adorable black little pig, which fell in love with me. He liked to be scratched behind his ears, washed my shoes and followed me. His name was Jo Jo. I just wished I could take him with me. My cats would certainly have a lot of fun !

In the evening Claudie's daughter arrived she hadn't seen the new flower pot yet with the grid her father had built in two days. We had a nice supper together and of course a lot of fun too !

The next day Claudie had piano lessons in a nearby little town La Seyne. First we had lunch together at the beach and then I spent the whole time at the beach while she attended her piano lessons. It was warm and sunny I had taken my Kindle with me, read my book and watched people.
In the evening I noticed that I had taken quite some colors !
On Saturday my holidays are finished and I fly back to Belgium into the cold and rainy weather.
more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.