As usual Arthur participated and waited for whipped cream !
I started to empty Mr. G's wardrobe ! He had lost so much weight that with shirts he looked like a clothes rack. They were all too large. Instead I had ordered some nice pullovers which suits him very well. After that I felt lazy and sorted out my new pictures and put them in files. Virtual of course, in my computer.
It went shopping and it started to rain. So I hurried up to get my stuff and went home.
My aqua gym class has started too, I hadn't seen my classmates for 2 months, two were missing but the others were all there, some of them apparently had eaten very well during the holidays because they looked rounder as before. As I still do my Yoga exercises when I get out of my bed, I wasn't rusty at all to the big surprise of our animator.
School had officially started and our painting class too ! There were quite a lot of changes. Our administrator after 30 years of faithful services handed over officially her work to Myriam and myself. We informed the responsibles of the retirement home where we use the big room.
We had decided to put a new and fresh wind in the old system and divided the class into 3 groups. The once who do their own painting and don't really need a teacher, a group with the teacher were they learn different techniques and then a table for the "piggies" who do the pouring so that we don't spit on the others with our colors ! All the new ideas were very well welcomed and we hope that we will get a few new members because two have left us forever during the school holidays.

Conferences, and new ideas !
And another week went by ! Too quick !