Like all children with a new toy I have to use my recently acquired GPS and therefore use it also to lead me to places where I have been a 100 times before. I tell myself that I have to get used to it and how it works.
My GPS is a lady who speaks several languages so I can choose between English, German or French amongst others. I choose french. The GPS lady and I sometimes have fights. I want to go to a place where I always took the highway because it is the quickest way, unfortunately I had asked her to show me the shortest so she wants me to go through the city during rush hours. To show her who is the boss I take the highway of course. Immediately she asks me to turn and that in the middle of the highway ! She is crazy. I ignore her and continue. She finally gives up and agrees and we stay on the highway.
But last time I got really angry with her. I asked her to go to my supermarket on the shortest way. I had especially looked up the street to give her clear instructions. The fight already started when I got out of the garage. Instead of turning left she asked me to turn right. I put my finger on my forehead and turned left. She immediately asked me to take the first exit and turn right. She is completely crazy I thought if I turn right I go in a completely other direction and not at all to my Supermarket. I remained on my left. After having ordred me for the X time to turn right (even on the chaussee !) I finally got very angry and told her to shut up. Of course she didn't so I pushed on "standby" and cut her orders off !
Now I could drive in peace to my destination and do my shopping. To return home there was no problem there we both agreed on the way to take.
At home I complained to Mr. Gattino that Mrs. GPS had misled me the whole time ! He checked and stated : Of course if you put the wrong address ! I said "what wrong address ?" and then I looked, instead of chausse de Hal I had put chaussee de Mons which of course was in a completely other direction. Now I have to present my excuses.