Not only they serve excellent coffee with croissants but also sandwiches, eggs etc. Their choice of beautiful looking cakes is wonderful ! Dominique studied the card before we both choose sandwiches with a salad.
2. I suddenly got an cleanliness attack, which doesn't happen very often, took advantage of my attack

and emptied the two shelves over my bed, cleaned the shelves and the cats and put them back. I didn't see any difference at least from far, but I swear the amount of dust was considerable !
3. My mood is rather morose this week, this January gets on my nerves, it's not winter, it's just nothing but rainy and grey days.

When I look outside I see a grey sky and took a picture of this pigeon which I thought to be an eagle, without my glasses. What a disappointment when I saw the result ! Inside it doesn't look very encouraging either, everywhere I look, there are lazy cats laying around.
When Mr. G. gets up in the morning the first thing he does after having served himself a coffee, is switching on the TV, and so generously loud that even my neighbors can listen to machine guns, exploding buildings, stupid political speeches, reports of murders, etc, everything you need early morning to start a cheerful day ! And each morning it's the same discussion, I ask him to turn down the volume, and he pretends that it isn't loud.
4. To cheer me up, I went to the hairdresser, because each time I saw my head in the mirror my hairs looked like my mood, just hanging down in no order it badly needed a cut. As usual my hairdresser and I had a lot to chat, I talked about my grandson, she about her son, they both have the same age are both "cars" and "Spiderman" fans and busy with potty training. As all people now adults went through the same procedure, there is hope that it will be finished soon, until it may restart at an old age.
5. Since I have such a nice view now on our street, for once there was a little crowd, men and women looking dull and grey with leaflets under their arms and I recognized them immediately, it was a group of Jehova's witnesses. Of course they rang at the door and of course I didn't open, I had no intention to change my believes whatsoever.
Last week I offered Nicole a DVD showing flames in the TV like an open fire, this week I brought her fishes !

Now her TV looks like an aquarium and the water bubbles peacefully. We had a cup of tea and were full
of compassion for poor Charlie, who had a little surgery at his paw. One of his claws had grown inside.

I suggested to put on a little sock on his paw to protect the wound from dirt. Nicole found this a good idea and will buy some baby socks for him until the wound is healed. So next time I hope that Charlie will wear a more colorful sock with maybe a Superman design.
I also finished my picture in my painting class and started another one, for the moment it looks like a red "@" on a black background, my subconscious must be obsessed by my emails.

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.
More participants here at A rural Journal.