
It lasted for two days, I don't like storms at all, it makes me feel uneasy. Impossible to go out if you didn't want to be blown away. Fortunately I had everything necessary at home.
Instead I did the laundry and Arthur helped me folding the clothes.
3. As usual once a week I go to Ilona, and as it was raining (as usual too) we spent a nice afternoon together and I showed her the pictures of the Chinese New Year Parade.
4. My friend and neighbor Dominique with whom I shared so many trips, evenings and lunches, has disappeared. The shutters are closed and not a single soul around. She hadn't even asked me to empty her letterbox. The reason, she had fallen in love at 62, which is very nice, but that's not a reason to forget all her friends and probably also her family ! As her darling has fallen from a tree just before Christmas and had injured his spine, after a 7 h surgery he is now at home and she nurses him. Before they only met at weekends to go out together. He is 65, and needs help. Yesterday she called me (I had asked her to call me) to mention that she is very busy because she prepares her marriage ! My mouth remained open for the rest of the day ..... I have not a good feeling, she is a very wealthy woman, I only hope I am wrong. But loves makes blind.
5. Chantal suggested to have lunch together with Nicole, so we first went to the Lion, but there the lunch was Lasagne and I just had had them the evening before. So finally we ended up in the "Lunch Garden" and had half a chicken, with vegetables and chips. It was very good but too much for us that Charlie certainly had also half a chicken, because he got all left overs.
Here he is laying with a full belly even too lazy to watch people going by.