Another week went by still with sunny weather, not too hot fortunately, but I start to cry for rain ! Everything is so dry.
Today is a rather sad day for me because it is now 2 month that my "plant holder" passed away and let me be the plant without support.
But life continues and hopefully time heals a bit.
For my birthday I had offered myself a new tablet, normally it would have been Rick but anyway I always had to choose what I wanted myself, except when it was something neutral like a cat figurine.
I started the week by trying to configure my tablet. It went quite smoothly until I came to the pictures they were all negatives and I had a black face with white eyes. Rosie's colors had changed too where she was white she was black and the other way around. Whatever I tried it didn't work. Then I wanted to install Whatsapp, which didn't work, and there was no Facebook on the tablet (strange) ! When I became the feeling to throw the tablet against the wall, I went to the shop and asked for help ! A young man managed to make me and cat Rosie look normal again, managed also the Facebook but then when it came to Whatsapp, no way. He called a colleague who seemed to be a bit more used to the Samsung tablet. But even he, although he tried everything possible with the result that I lost a few conversations on my phone, finally gave up. He told me that it was impossible to have Whatsapp on two devices. At home I googled apparently that's not true, but for the moment I gave up !
The day ended with me stumbling over my own feet, pulling the curtain with me as I fell. I picked myself up and was about to collapse onto the sofa in the living room, but I couldn't, unfortunately Rosie had used it to puke on. What a day !
I am happy with my new tablet, now I am waiting for the case.
The next day I spent mostly in the waiting lines for different services, the longest was to get rid of my fix phone only that and nothing else, but of course they tried to convince me to keep it and even made an offer for a mobile ! I told the guy that I don't need the phone anymore because the only person who called me with that was my sister in law in Italy, but now she doesn't call anymore it's my niece on .... Whatsapp. Finally I had my fix line cancelled from August 1st on.
In the apartment above me another widow moves in, I haven't seen her yet only saw her furniture moving slowly up in front of my window.
I don't know why but I wanted to look for a summer dress. Of course I found nothing and had to go for lunch in my "old" things with a couple and another widow, which I knew from our Facebook meetings, and who are so very kind to me.