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Susanne at Living to tell the Story.
1. On Monday I pulled all my courage together to go shopping for the most essential things, like toilet paper for example. Our street was still covered with snow, as it is a little street and mostly forgotten by the truck which grits the roads with salt. I had to drive very carefully like on a skating ring, fortunately the main road was cleaned.
Mr. G. had to clean his snow covered car and wasn't happy at all with that, because it cost him some effort ! Our little cat statues in the garden wore all white hats !
2.The most exciting happening this week, was the electricity break down ! I was just in our guestroom to take a shower and waited that the room was warm enough to get undressed, when suddenly I was standing in a completely black hole ! Fortunately it's not so big and I groped my way to the door ! There I saw light, it was Mr. G. with a torch who wanted to check the fuses. Everything was OK, he then looked out of the door as our windows were all closed with electric shutters ! The whole street was in the dark !
Meanwhile I had called Dominique to know if she too was without electricity and she was. While we kept conversation on our mobiles (the telephone didn't work either) she was looking for some candles in the moonlight and then finally found them but without matches. But as a non smoker she found a lighter.
Of course meanwhile everybody had called the Electricity service and an answering machine told us that around midnight we would be lightened again ! It was 10.30. We went to bed and I read my book with the torch, when suddenly an hour later my digital frame showed myself on a camel ! The micro wave started with the help of a ghost and Dominique got a shock because somebody was in her office, but it was only the printer which had started to work, what normally it refuses ! This event showed us how much we depend on electricity ! And I imagined with horror myself standing naked in the black bathroom !
Such electricity cuts only happen very seldom, and for a very short time I can't even remember when it happened last time !
3. A friend had told me that I could also use coal briquets in our open fire
After our Electricity black out I bought two packages and we tried it out ! It worked perfectly and heated much more then logs only. At least sitting in front of the open fire would keep us warm ! Since 2 days now, we light the open fire hearth it adds some more heat and looks cosy.
From our four cats only Arthur enjoys the snow, especially as litter box, it's so easy and soft to dig a little hole in the snow.

She used a painting of hers as avatar
In the afternoon I went to my friend Ilona to install Skype on her computer. In her street it was even worse then in mine, I really had to walk very carefully, because the street was covered with ice and very slippery. After some cups of tea and chats, I downloaded Skype for her and when I came home I called her to see if it worked and it did ! Only I couldn't see or hear her, because she has to buy a webcam, but she could see and here me. I showed her the puppets I use with grandson Toby and she had a lot of fun. Everything new is always fun !
5. My neighbor had go go to the hospital again to get her shot in one eye against the
Macula a disease which cannot be healed but at least stopped from becoming blind. She takes it easy and with humor, because she said she anyway has not the choice so we had a funny ride to the hospital and back. The main streets were clean in Brussels and besides some very aggressive drivers we had no problem.
I have got two cat presents again, the white one from my friend Chantal for Christmas and the teapot from another neighbor as a thank you because we took care of their cat during the holidays. I think I need an exposition shed in the garden, the house slowly becomes too crowded !