Helps you to remember what you have done on the weekend of October 2. You never know if you need an alibi ! If you participate please put the little logo on the top of your post and leave your link.If ever you did nothing during a weekend, Belgium is the ideal country to find a subject of conversation or in my case to write a post, I just have to complain about the weather !
But bad or good weather, I found something to do !

This picture gives you an idea how Saturday looked like ! On top it was cold. To lighten up my mood, I went to a big garden store which was full of colorful flowers and I could walk around

like in a park without getting wet. I even noticed a young man with a Rasta head, I thought that was out of fashion !

It was so colorful inside and the first Halloween decorations appeared ! The rest of the day I spent with my blog posts and comments. While Mr. G. was sitting in the bath tube I visited in 30 min Canada, the Sudan, the UK, Malaysia, USA New Hampshire, New York, Maryland, Texas, Australia the Gold Cost, Brisbane, Sweden, The Philippines, Hongkong, and Singapore. After all this travelling I needed a rest in form of Mr. Barnaby's Midsummer Murders.
On Sunday I was invited by my friend Laurence to a "Path of the Artists". It took place in a little town nearby and artists are exposing their works in their private homes. So you go from house to house and admire the drawings, paintings, and sculptures.

This was the house where my friend exposed together with two other women. A miracle had happened and the sun was shining so that I could visit several places.

She exposed these three sculptures. The one on the top right represents her son with his pregnant wife.
In the afternoon I worked a little in our garden because for tomorrow ..... rain is announced !