30 May 2020


In 2009 I went for the second time to Hurghada in Egypt, together with my friend Chantal. At that time we still had a time sharing apartment and I had asked for an apartment in Hurghada. We got an apartment in the Hotel Regina, which I guess doesn't exist anymore.

It was in the middle of the town and when we arrived there tired from flight and a bit surprised by the surroundings, I thought the driver was wrong, we were suddenly in a jumble of honking cars, loud music and a lot of hustle and bustle ! 

Where is the red sea ?? I almost got a nervous breakdown, when I imagined  to stay 2 weeks in this loud mess.

Reluctantly we entered the hotel and found ourselves in a beautiful entrance hall and almost in another world !

From the reception we could see the beach and the sea ! Was I happy !

From outside our apartment looked very nice too. The inside was funny. My bed broke the first evening, in the kitchen (which fortunately we never used) the electric wires hung out of the wall, the TV dated from the first World War and the furniture was used up. Apparently it is not a country to go for time sharing apartments, the hotel rooms were completely different and rather luxurious. Anyway timesharing doesn't exist anymore.

But then sitting on our terrace in the morning for a cup of coffee, suddenly a huge truck arrived and sprayed I don't know what on everything ! It stunk terribly we almost suffocated.

We quickly escaped into the room, and when the smoke slowly disappeared we hurried to the beach ! Of course I asked what this spray was and they told me that it was against the mosquitos, that stung the people and that itched horribly. This spray was supposed to be the only mean that lasted for a long time.

They sprayed three times per day, early morning, when we had lunch and in the evening. It helped probably, because the mosquitos didn't like us but this was not the case of everybody.

Meanwhile all this has changed, and they use a more environment friendly spray which doesn't smell.

In a mosque, we got nice green coats !

Linking to Linda.G.Hills SOCS - Spray

29 May 2020


This week seemed to be like one day, we were still in the same state of the lockdown it should change on Wednesday. As I am feeling so tired from doing nothing,  I just went a bit shopping to fill in our freezer for the week and then returned again on my sofa !

The only thing I did was surfing the net to find a new vacuum cleaner, an all in one washing machine and dryer. This saves me space because otherwise I have to buy two machines and put one on top of the other and two new mattresses ! The most urgent things. I found everything, wrote down the references somewhere and of course didn't find my paper anymore.

The next day we went to Myriam to enjoy our lockdown meeting. Now we have got so much used to it, to meet each second day, that we fear that the lockdown finishes !

Now when I drive to her the streets are full of cars again and all people have their masks on in all sizes and colors, and all in all are quite disciplinated. Except some youngsters who met with their motorbikes and gathered in a group of 15, which of course was not allowed at all, the police came and chased them away and probably they also got a fine.

The sun was shining and we sat outside and talked about the day we can go out in a park in a café and have a drink. None of us likes to go shopping ! That is a disaster !

I had seen some nice tableware on sale and thought for a new apartment I also need new dishes. When I arrived at the shop, there were about 6 people standing in a line wearing their masks and waited to be let in ! The shop inside was empty, a long line stood at the only exit with one cashier ! Outside the line became long and longer. A young guy came and cleaned one shopping basket gave it to the next person who was allowed to enter the shop. Very well organized ! When it was my turn I just had the time to notice that all the nice plates and dishes were gone and there was nothing else to buy then cleaning products, so I took one bottle for the floor arrived at the cashier where about 10 people were waiting to pay ! That was the end of my Coronavirus patience, I slammed the basket on the counter and told them that I had no time anymore and that it was not normal to allow one person to be in the shop while the others had to wait or outside or at the exit !
And I went away ! As if I had given a sign, suddenly several people did the same ! Maybe now they let more people in !

I had to go to have my eyes checked, I have the impression that I need glasses again. But apparently I still see good enough and don't need glasses, he said maybe my eyes are tired.  That's possible, because I am quite a lot behind TV and computer.

To close the week I wanted to buy the two mattresses. As I drove by a store who had  bedroom furniture and mattresses, I thought I could check them out personally instead of choosing them on the screen. The salesman with his smartphone glued to his ears shook his head to say hello and then continued to talk. Meanwhile as I was alone, and got bored. So-a I checked the mattresses and layed down. There were mostly double bed mattresses but finally I found some single bed once too and lay down, one was too hard, the next too soft, I almost sank on the floor and then I found one which I liked. I jumped a bit up and down thinking the salesman would stop his conversation, and then I had enough and he must have seen at my face even behind the mask that it was time to ask me what I wanted !

He told me that I had chosen the best mattress of the whole shop and I believed him when he gave me the price ! Almost 2500 Euros for one mattress ! I told him that I am to old for such an expensive mattress, for the time which I have left I can't use it up ! He looked at me with frog eyes and said that it is very good for my back. I told him that my back is OK and I have no sleeping problems either, left the shop went home, and ordered two mattresses via Internet, with apparently the same comfy, a winter and summer side, 7 layers of I don't know what (I will feel like the princess and the pea) for less then half the price of this posh store ! They will be delivered just in time before we move.

Still another week to wait until I can start to empty the wardrobes etc and bring them over to our new domain ! On coming Wednesday we will finally know if the Restaurants and bars will be opened. The schools are since two days. The parents are probably very happy and the kids too !

How can you be full of energy if you have this example the whole day in  front of your nose ??

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.

28 May 2020


When I saw the prompt word for today, I thought that the word peace was a word which was used all the time when I was a young girl 50 years ago ! It was the time of the Hippies the Beatles and the "Peace & Love" time ! There was Woodstock and a revolution of the youth against the establishment, and rules of the adults.

When I look at the following pictures I think it's sad,  nothing has changed ! The revolution and the cries for peace have vanished in the air. The hippies who wanted to change the world and protest against wars, became just like their parents, Mum, Dad, kids, house, job all honest and quiet people. Only the music has changed. Back then, parents heard piano music and violin while we their children, and our children still listen to  the Beatles, Elvis, Rollings Stones etc.

Those who in their 20th or younger fought for peace and against war, live more or less today like their parents did, and are meanwhile grandparents too !

What is left of the youth revolution 50 years ago?

The fashion that keeps coming back, the music, but the peace hasn't come, there is still war around. Our parents survived (or not) WWII, we don't have World Wars anymore, we have now to fight against an unknown Virus who has locked down the whole world.

That has never happened.

Lockdown phase 2.2

linking to Linda.G. Hills One liner Wednesday - Peace

27 May 2020


Due to the still lasting lockdown I have to dig in my archives !

This had been a private Garden Show in one of the 19 municipalities of Brussels, where people showed their gardens (yards). The most beautiful garden became the winner and the first price.

I visited amongst others the garden of my friend's Myriams brother

I don't know if this becomes an obsession, but I see the Coronavirus even in plants !

That's quite a hairy flower. Unfortunately I don't know its name.

lockdown phase 2.1

more participants here,
and Image-in-ing

26 May 2020


The Gravenhof is an old castle which had been transformed to a hotel with 26 rooms and a restaurant.

The Gravenhof is also a popular place to celebrate weddings. The park around the castle is ideal for taking beautiful wedding photos.

I have been invited to a wedding twice in the Gravenhof and have to say it was really wonderful ! Food and decoration are real very nice.

Here you can read the whole story about the Gravenhof history.

Just walk with me around the castle and the park.......

The castle as restaurant

Beutiful statues

A romantic pond

and more statues. After your walking around you can have a nice coffee or a drink in the restaurant or on the terrace, depending on the weather !

Lockdown phase 2.2

more participants here

25 May 2020


Decoration for your garden/yard




Saturday started as a normal day ! Under the watchful eyes of my cat Rosie I did my yoga exercises and then feeling a bit more fresh, I prepared my cup of coffee. Mr. G. as usual had gotten up early and was already ready for shopping, while I was still in my wake up phase. He disappeared and I checked my emails. The house was calm and peaceful.

So far so good, but then he came back and put the food he had bought with loud door slamming and making a lot of noise. No peace anymore. While we had lunch he wanted to listen to the News noticed that his headphone didn't work anymore. This was was a  tragedy for my poor ears, because without his headphones he turns the sound on so loud that the whole neighbourhood can listen what he is watching. After a few Italian &é"%£µ@ I asked him to please go to a shop and buy new once. What he did !

When he came back the drama started, he couldn't put the headphone together, and got more and more excited and angry because it didn't work like he wanted. None of our neighbors was available to help, one was painting his ceiling and the other was working.

Fortunately the third man from a moving company came to make a cost estimate which interrupted Mr. G and his fight with the headphone. The moving company man was recommended to me by my friend's daughter. The price was very good, even less then the second one I had seen. Therefore we agreed immediately and fixed the move for June 16. Now it's done.

Of course on Sunday the shops are closed and Mr. G. was still without a headphone. To watch a movie together I put earplugs in my ears, because the sound Mr. G needs is like a an amplifier for rock music, far too loud for my delicate ears. As it was only for one evening I didn't mind.

On Sunday morning he tried again to fix the headphone but it didn't work. There were so many cables laying around that I didn't understand from where they were all coming certainly not from a single little headphone ! And suddenly the TV didn't work anymore ! I called my neighbor the girl who can everything. She immediately came over fixed the TV again and in a few minutes she had found out why the headphone was not working, our TV is old and the headphone new and an adaptor was needed !

And while she was busy to explain to Mr. G. our son called per Whatsapp and also tried to explain to his father what to do. With the result that he didn't understand nothing anymore and had enough ! I just feared he would throw the headphone against the wall. But fortunately he didn't.

My neighbour who had helped so much in the past, when Mr. G. had his broken hip, proposed to come with him on Monday and buy the adaptor together !  She safed my day !

After lunch I escaped to my friend M and let Mr. G. and the neighbors watch TV ! I hope they agreed to his program ! And all this because he refuses to have his hearing aids repaired ! Maybe now seeing me with earplugs and hearing nothing when he wanted to talk to me, he will change his mind ! Because he is convinced like all deaf people that he hears very well ! I wonder if he also suffers from the Coronavirus lockdown syndrom.

Phase 2