I had done all my shopping when the rush had not yet started so I didn't have to go out. But the idea to be locked in against my will didn't please me at all and my scrabble girls all agreed confined or not we stay confined together and scrabble. At least that seemed a normal afternoon to us. Anyway the weather was bad so we had a nice afternoon.

The ghost town
Next day again empty streets, lots of people working from home. No kids on the street they had to stay inside ! Poor parents ! I did my blogging work and in the afternoon it was a real funeral weather grey, humid and a lot of rain. Not good for our already damaged mood !
We met at Myriam's and exchanged the last Corona news. Myriam and Nicole had still their grand children stuck in Morocco and in the Philippines. And we are not allowed to travel either ! A friend has her 88 year old mother alone in France and wanted to visit her, but she couldn't. Had to postpone her visit after April 3. I don't know who has fixed the date of the end of the virus crisis on the 3rd. Must be a clairvoyant, or somebody has it planned (??)
At least the following day the weather was wonderful, the sun shining, warm, a real nice weather to go out for a walk. But ... you are allowed to walk in couples, what the third person has to do is not precised. Could be the grandparents or simply two toddlers, do they have to walk alone behind. And always at 1.50 m distance ! Have to take a meter along !

We didn't care we sat on Nicole's terrace in the sunshine and Isis was happy to have company and be combed. First we had thought to do a little walk, but we all didn't feel like walking in the park and been checked and asked what we are doing there !
Mr. G. went early shopping, now for retired people they open Supermarkets from 8 - 9 am (when I am still sleeping) and only 4 persons were allowed to go inside. He bought his stuff and my apples and returned quickly home. At other supermarkets people were already lined up and waited to be let in. New rules 1 client per 10 square meters and half an hour shopping. In order to avoid hoarding food and empty the shelves, there are security guards now to check the caddies.
As usually after painting class we are going together into a restaurant, I invited my 2 friends (the third couldn't come) in the restaurant "Gattina" where I served a "Quiche Lorraine" and a mousse au chocolat. Mr. G. had nice company, 2 ladies who listened to his stories, while the third one closed her ears after 50 years of marriage you knew them all by heart.
When we had finished, we watched a movie I had recorded "Vera" during which Nicole fell asleep and Myriam too. Unfortunately when my camera was ready to take a picture they opened their eyes. We chatted a bit and then they returned home. And we had survived the first week.
At 8 pm we should all go outside and applaud the nurses and doctors, but in my street there was nobody. Not even a cat.
Our house sale is stopped, nobody allowed to visit and all workmen don't work (sounds good) My cleaning lady is not allowed to come, the hairdresser is allowed to take one client per hour ! They are not happy. Deliveries are put in front of your door, and you don't have to sign the reception. The virus could jump on the tablet.
We all feel not real. We have never lived such a situation to be confined and not allowed to go outside except for food shopping. Even the dentist doesn't work !
And even after a week people are still hoarding !