Helps you to remember what you have done on the weekend of October 30. You never know if you need an alibi ! If you participate please put the little logo on the top of your post and leave your link.This weekend was not only the end of the week but also the end of our holidays ! Saturday our last day, we spent as usual "working" at the beach, swimming, reading and watching people.

A beach boy took this last picture of us and I took the last one of our little beach space which we had squatted for 2 weeks and the view from my bed. I certainly will miss this !

Our last supper (hopefully not) we spent in the oriental restaurant, where I ate an escellent
Couscous which is not an Egyptian dish, but rather Moroccan, but it's one of my favorite plates.

After supper we watched "Sister Act" which was really very funny.
In the meantime we had done our suitcases and Sunday after breakfast and saying good bye to people we met, we were picked up by a bus and driven to the airport.

We waved good bye to the Sunrise Hotel, which was our home for 2 weeks, and took the decision that next year we are going back here. All people very friendly and even the Russian speaking people behaved !
The airport was a nightmare, there were so many people and when we arrived we were told by a histerical French woman that our flight were 7 h late ! This made people panicked, until checking my flight N° I saw with relieve that our flight was not concerned. We were pushed through the check ins and outs and finally landed in the Duty Free zone where we sat down had a coffee and had a last look on the shops.
Our flight was rather rickety and I got the impression to be in a bus and driven over cobble stones. But we arrived safely in Brussels, where Mr. G. picked us up.
At home I was greated by my cats Arthur and Rosie who were happy to see me again, only Pookie is offended and went away when she saw me ! It takes here a couple of days to forgive me. After a sandwich and an apple together with Dominique and Mr. G. I dropped half dead in my bed !
Now I am feeling a little groggy !