As I had forgotten that it was Easter I hadn't sent a little gift to grandson Toby ! So I spent Easter Monday looking for the book he asked for a ...... guess what ? Harry Potter !! I ordered two and had them sent to Amsterdam where he got them two days later. They were very thick, he showed me them on Whatsapp and then we had a little chat and he showed me all the Easter eggs he had collected in the living room, as outside it was too cold the temperature had dropped again. I told him to also watch the movie, but he wanted first to read the book.
His father at the same age hated reading and for us two bookworms it was quite a disappointment, we tried with all kind of books, but he preferred to play outside and sport. Now we have our bookworm, one generation later !
Each morning I have to look on the calender to see what day we are if I would go out or not. It was real cool although the sun was shining and we met at Nicole's
These beautiful Japanese cherry trees are in her street and were in full bloom
Little Isis to entertain us made excerises on her cat tree, while we had our Yoga laughing class, we laughed a lot and it was good for us. The hairdressers are still closed, so Nicole cut my hair in the neck, which was already funny.
For the first time as long as I live in Belgium I am interested in politics, not really politics but more the politicians. We were without government again since beginning February because as usual the Flemish and the Waloons couldn't agree on a party or whatever it was they are like roosters in competition. Comes a young unknown women 48 years old, mother of 4 children and married to an Australian and what happened, she succeeded where all men failed she formed a government and she is now our Prime Minister. With her we are in good hands to handle the Coronacrisis.
She handles the problems with feeling and intelligence and released a bit the rules now, the elderly living alone are allowed to have a visitor, and the garden centers and DIY shops will open in two days. That will keep men busy who have to stay home and ran out of material, to buy stuff for their garden or for the house.
Mr. G. of doing nothing but wandering from Computer to TV, suddenly suffered from dizziness and could hardly walk. I led him to his bed where he fell asleep woke up for supper and went to bed again and slept for 30 hours !! He even broke cat Rosie's record of 23 h a day. It must be the confinement and the fact that he doesn't move enough, now I force him to do some gymnastic and chase him around the table ! Fortunately it's finished now !

Selfies of future bank robbers, two are missing

Nicole cheated !
My friends are busy with sewing masks, as there are not enough, Mr. G of course found them in "his" pharmacy and got 10, five for me and five for him. My friends sew for their children who although in a certain age can't sew (like me), one even sew for the whole family and friends of the families and friends of friends, and made at least 20 if not more, but she likes to do it and it keeps her busy.
Another almost 3 weeks of lockdown, I can't even sort out clothes or things I don't want anymore, because then they would sit here in bags and cartons because I can't throw them away. So I leave everything like it is and wait until the moving and cleaning companies open again.
more participants at
Susanne at Living to tell the Story.