In the past I never weighted myself. It didn't came into my mind because I could eat like a horse and my clothes still fit. Until one day when I had my yearly check up at the gynecologist. She asked me to step on the balance looked and stated : You weigh 80 kgs ! (176 lbs) I laughed and said that this is completely impossible and that there must be a problem with her balance. She pretended not, but I didn't believe her.
First thing at home I climbed on the balance and saw the numbers raising. I looked once, I looked twice I put my nose on the scale, the number didn't move it was 80 ! I couldn't believe it ! and my clothes ? I looked in the mirror the front and from the side and realized that I had got a belly and that probably the difference of my normal weight of 65 kg (143 lbs) and the 80 kgs now must sit exactly there.
In my whole life this had never happened ! I was 60 and found myself big like an elephant. But as always when I decide something I drop from one extreme to the other, I stopped cake and chocolote immediately, ate nothing during the whole day and only the half of what I usually eat in the evening or even less. My stomac shrinked and my weight too. In a week I lost 10 kgs ! I wasn't quite satisfied, but it was better then nothing.
As I am quite tall 1.72 m (5.6) people hadn't realized that I had put on weight because I used to wear large tops. But now I saw it. The other 5 kgs took a long time to go away which meant that the overweight I had was really not normal for me that's why I lost it so quickly. Ever since I keep an eye on my weight, but it is stable now as it used to be before and I can eat like a horse again, but I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, chocolate and cakes doesn't say anything to me anymore and I only eat it occasionally.
I know for some people it is very hard to do a diet because often there is also a psychological background. People eat to comfort themselves and then of course it's a question of predisposition. Some will always be a little round others always a skinny minnie.
The fattest people I ever saw in my life was Madison/Wisconsin. I couldn't believe it. Even the fattest one at home was slim against these men and women. They needed two chairs to sit down ! One for each bottom half.
and with this I participate at the new game created by The Teach called "Maxine on Saturday"