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Just before Christmas Eve on the 23rd December I lost the battery of my camera ! I had put it in the charger and when it was charged my intention was to put it back in the camera. But I didn't. The thing had disappeared. Now it happens quite often that I misplace my glasses or my keys, but a battery ? Mr. Gattino whom I informed about my loss, wasn't so surprised as I had already lost my slippers and he had found them in the fridge, but that was years ago.
I tried to remember exactly what I had done, but my memories always stopped when I had taken out the battery of the charger and held it in my hand. It was in the house, that was sure but where ?? I am a quite distracted person especially when my mind is busy with preparing posts or pictures to take and publish. We looked everywhere, Mr. Gattino even emptied the bin and checked (with Italian swears) the content piece by piece. I looked under the furniture, the carpets and turned my bed around. Nothing ! He even checked the litter box of the cats !
Finally we gave up. It would show up one day in a place where nobody had thought of. Deeply sighing about his terrible life with such a distracted person who shared his life for 40 years, he took his jacket and went away buying a new battery, badly needed for Christmas Eve. 4 shops later (no batteries anymore) and near a nervous breakdown he finally returned home with a new one and a bill of 59 € ! What an expensive battery !!
Yesterday looking for a mouse in the little bag with which I carry our "Baby Computer" what did he find ? the long lost battery !! I had put it in there together with the accessoires of the little computer ! That was really a place I had never thought of ! Now I am proud owner of two batteries, which is always good if ever I forget to charge one !

in this bag he found it !

Just to show you the size of the battery.