With Gattina & Shakira.
Just do a funny post, something which makes us laugh that's the most important.
And of course there also is
here at Me & My Memes
I never could read a map and I have no sense of orientation either. I have problems with left and right, besides that I think I am normal. The invention of a GPS was for me a real blessing.
The other day when I wanted to visit a friend, the chaussée Alsemberg which I had to take was closed for work. Trusting my instinct I thought I could drive along the street parallel from the chaussée. Of course I got lost. I took out my Madame GPS to help me.
She sad : turn left then turn right
I did. I turned right and then left (I suppose) because
- Recalculating she said !
- I said why ?
- Drive 500 m then turn right, she said
Ok I took the next street to the right.
Recalculating she said
Why ??? I did what she had asked, I only had turned too early.
- Drive 1 km then turn right
This time I payed attention and turned in one km to the left
Cows stared at me I was in the middle of nowhere on a cobbled street far away from my chaussée. I explained my situation to the cows and they told me to pay more attention to the screen so that I would see what direction is left and right.
That's what I did and ....
finally I heard : Arriving at destination on right !

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Weekend funnies