We congratulated the chef for his delicious kitchen and then we also talked about what was good and what had to be improved. When the manager came to sit at our table I of course complained about the high internet connection costs and that for such a hotel it should be a free service, of course he said yes, yes, to everything, also that people put things other then the hotel towels on the beach beds, to get the best places ! Of course he would also solve this problem. This morning nothing had changed ;) ! Maybe next year !

While I am at my computer Dominique and Nicole play cards and use the sugar packages as money ! You should have seen the face of the waiter when he saw all the suger on the table !
After supper we went to the animation team show of the hotel. This time there were again sketches involving the guests.
A "Miss Hotel" should be selected. From all nationalities present, there was an English girl from London, an Ukrainian girl on honeymoon, a German, a Russian girl and Dominique the only French speaking girl in the whole place !

First there was a "catwalk" of all participants. Dominique performs as "femme fatale", then she had to carry a ping pong ball between her legs and imitate a chicken and then let drop the "egg" in a glass ! The public screamed of laughter.

Then the girls had to collect clothes, underwear and shoes, as many as possible from the public !
A shoe was worth 50 points, a T-shirt I00 and a bra 200 ! it was hilarious ! Many women gave their bras to increase the points. A German girl gave hers for Dominique so she had more points ! In the last picture you see Nicole taking her T-shirt back ! The winner was the English girl from London ! She was so funny !

It was then quiet difficult to put the thing on again !
We had a lot of fun and before going to bed, we drank a Karkade tea to relax from all this laughing !