I asked my classmate Ginny, what happened to Max exactly ?
I don't know, she answered, he came home and blinked with one eye at me all the time
I imagined the picture and laughed
Yes she said, but the next day his eye was completely closed so I had to bring him to the doctor. He gave him a shot and now he has to take pills 3 times a day, it's so difficult ! I try to put them in his food, but he smells it, and spits them out ! Imagine ! and the drops I have to put in his eye ! that's a real drama !
I know I know, I said, I have the same with Arthur when it comes to pills. He lost some weight and I thought he was sick, but he still washes himself and he plays with the girls ! I think I have to give him a vermifuge, or it's the spring hormons although he is spayed.
At this moment another classmate who had listened to our conversation said horrified : Spayed ??? Spring hormons and you give vermifuge to your husband ?? and what is with yours she said to Ginny, you put pills in your husband's food and he spits them out ??
We looked at each other and bursted in laughter, we had talked about our cats and the poor girl had thought we would talk about our husbands ! Ginny said, fortunately I haven't mentioned that he (the cat) also had been bitten in his tail !