8 Jun 2024


This week we returned to a mild winter or a very cool spring, we all could keep our autumn/winter clothes in the wardrobe. I made my walking exercises by haunting the castles corridors, but as it was daylight, the ghosts were still sleeping. As each morning I said hello to my friend Pauline, who remains still in her room she feels a bit week after 2 pneumonia ! 

In the afternoon we were all there for a new game called the "Question Box". Unfortunately the questions were very difficult  in  form of a charade. At first I didn't know what that was, then I understood it but I only found one word, a kite, and another one also found a word, it really was too difficult. Even our animator Kim gave up ! But we were all happy to be together have our coffee and chat and complained about the weather ! Outside it was grey like a mouse.

When as activity there is mass, I go shopping, there are not many who go, mostly the very old once, as they had done it since their childhood. There was such a lot of traffic, that I quickly bought my fruits and then went to my friend Solange who has lost her husband one month ago. Fortunately she also hides her feelings behind a lot of humor and we had a nice afternoon. It was past 5 pm when I came back and shortly after the supper arrived. Far too early for me. 

When I went down to join the others for our afternoon game, I crossed the restaurant and noticed that each table had a beautiful little flower pot.

It was cool but the sun was shining and we could play outside, but we all had to wear a cardigan. We all hope that for the weekend the temperatures will raise a bit !

Our castle with the freshly cleaned garden furniture

and the ivy grew even higher over during spring.

Our game was easy this time, we had to find the opposite of a word : clear - dark, inside-outside etc. This time we were all champions, we found all words except one !

                                     Rosie helps me !

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.

6 Jun 2024


1. It's National Cheese Day (June 4)...does anyone not like cheese? What's your favorite? Last thing you ate or made with cheese?

I don't like eating warm food twice a day, so I asked for a cheese plate for supper; because I already had a warm meal for lunch. I don't like to eat warm twice a day. I don't know what cheese it is, but it's good ! My favorite cheese is an Italian Cheese "Fontina" I ate it for the first time when I went with Rick to Italy. We bought a whole Fontina cheese which I cut into portions and freezed them. The cheese lasted at least for  months !

2. Last time you were instructed to 'say cheese!'? How do you feel about having your picture taken? 

We don't say "cheese", because in all languages I know it wouldn't make a smiley on your face 😒, what we say is "Spaghetiiiiiiiii" which leads to the same result 😁. I'm used to having my photo taken, so I don't care.

3. What's your travel packing strategy? Are you typically a light packer or do you throw in everything but the kitchen sink? When flying do you check a bag or aim for carry on only? 

Years ago I made a list in my computer with everything I need for summer holidays, and when I travel I print it out, and fill in my suitcase the same way it's written on my list. That's easy I only have to pay attention that everything is clean and then I can pack in 5 min my suitcase and leave !

4. What is it about people's cell phone habits that you find most annoying?

 When somebody forgets to switch it off and it rings during a spectacle !

5. What will be your summer mantra/slogan? 

 Difficult to say, I even don't know if we will have summer, until now we still have the same temperatures which change a bit up and down from January on ! Therefore my mantra/slogan would be : summer come ! summer come ! summer come ! Imagine now in June we have 12°C !

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

For the moment I am thinking  that I would like to travel to a country full of sunshine, where it rarely rains, to a hotel with a SPA and soak up the sun to feel better and stronger. But I hesitate, although there is no reason. I would use the assistance service for seniors, who would take care of everything and I wouldn't have to walk much. If it would be warmer, I would have our beautiful park here, then I would go in  autumn. These thoughts are turning around in my head ! I would go alone anyway, because at the moment I don't know anyone who can help me on the right path to start a new life.




4 Jun 2024


Belgium, fresh oysters

Egypt, dessert


France : Fresh fish

Morocco : an artwork ! sweets

Germany : Bread

Egypt : Cookies ( special shape, don't laugh) ! They tasted very good !

Food around the world 

more participants here, and Image-in-ing

2 Jun 2024



Linking to AWWW MONDAYS 



Saturday honored us with rain from morning till evening non stop, some streets were flooded because the drain was full! So I put on my tracksuit and decided to have a lazy Saturday, which I did. I chatted a bit with Pauline, watched a few crime stories on TV, put photos in folders, and at coffee time I went to our restaurant to show the videos to my inmates, which I had made on Thursday. I should walk every day for my lung disease, the park was there in its beauty but I didn't want to catch a cold in this rain, so I discovered the long, long, corridors of the castle ! There are enough km to walk !  

The long corridors ! I love this picture, I posted it already, but it is so cute Pauline with her great great grand daughter Pauline

To my room

To the reception

Sunday it was like winter we had 12°C and would say we have a mild winter. Of course the sky was grey and not really mood lifting. It was the perfect day for dusting, watering the 3 plants, make my bed, and tidy up my wardrobe. Then I was exhausted (!?) and watched TV. There was a nice animal report about a shelter in France. 

When I had finished my Blog work I went to join the others in the Restaurant/meeting/playroom, for a cup of coffee, there were no activities, so we chatted with the visitors, Sunday's there are often visitors, which is nice because they join in for the games !

Then I had enough and retreated into my room, Rosie opened one eye to see if it was me or somebody else, and then I finished my blog and did a bit Internet shopping. I found a few interesting things like hair curlers, a carrying bag for Rosie, a bolero with long sleeves and not to pay transport costs,  I ordered a little box with 6 mice for Rosie, then the total was right.

What an exciting Weekend ! If only it would get warmer, now a half year has passed and we still have "mild winter" !