8 Jun 2024


This week we returned to a mild winter or a very cool spring, we all could keep our autumn/winter clothes in the wardrobe. I made my walking exercises by haunting the castles corridors, but as it was daylight, the ghosts were still sleeping. As each morning I said hello to my friend Pauline, who remains still in her room she feels a bit week after 2 pneumonia ! 

In the afternoon we were all there for a new game called the "Question Box". Unfortunately the questions were very difficult  in  form of a charade. At first I didn't know what that was, then I understood it but I only found one word, a kite, and another one also found a word, it really was too difficult. Even our animator Kim gave up ! But we were all happy to be together have our coffee and chat and complained about the weather ! Outside it was grey like a mouse.

When as activity there is mass, I go shopping, there are not many who go, mostly the very old once, as they had done it since their childhood. There was such a lot of traffic, that I quickly bought my fruits and then went to my friend Solange who has lost her husband one month ago. Fortunately she also hides her feelings behind a lot of humor and we had a nice afternoon. It was past 5 pm when I came back and shortly after the supper arrived. Far too early for me. 

When I went down to join the others for our afternoon game, I crossed the restaurant and noticed that each table had a beautiful little flower pot.

It was cool but the sun was shining and we could play outside, but we all had to wear a cardigan. We all hope that for the weekend the temperatures will raise a bit !

Our castle with the freshly cleaned garden furniture

and the ivy grew even higher over during spring.

Our game was easy this time, we had to find the opposite of a word : clear - dark, inside-outside etc. This time we were all champions, we found all words except one !

                                     Rosie helps me !

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.


  1. I'm so happy that you can still drive and your 'Castle' must have parking?

  2. I'm glad your weather has been a bit milder. We've had a mix of sunshine and rain here--like life, I guess. The games sound like a lot of fun. I love the ivy covering the walls.

  3. You do have fun games to play and lots of people to play with you.
    I'm glad you had a good time chatting with Solange.
    Here's hoping for warmer weather so you can enjoy that patio.
    Have a good weekend!

  4. Even if it is way too cool, I would rather pull on a sweater or jacket than cook in hot weather. I must be the opposite of you!!

    That ivy sure grew! Your patio is a nice outdoor space in which to relax or have a sunbath...maybe once in a while...
    Hope you get some nicer weather.

  5. Ah...cooler weather sounds delightful. We are in a heat wave and not even officially summer yet. But grateful to be here and standing. Take care. Your photos are the very best.


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !