10 Jun 2024



Linking to AWWW MONDAYS 



During the night of Friday to Saturday, I suddenly got terrible stomach cramps. I got up went out of my room and walked down the long corridor, I thought I had too much air in my stomach. But it kept getting worse. So I pressed the button hanging next to my bed and shortly afterwards a very friendly doctor came. After I explained to him what I had, he started taking my blood pressure. I don't know what blood pressure has to do with stomach pain, but your blood pressure can also raise if your little toe hurts (!). It was a little high. Then he disappeared and got me two stomach painkillers. I took one and after a while it got better and I was finally able to fall asleep.

By now it was 3 a.m. I was sleeping so well when the doctor suddenly stood at my bed again at 4:30 a.m. and shook me awake. Then he measured my blood pressure again, which was now normal. I asked for a painkiller because my stomach hurt again. 

I tolerated breakfast well, but then I went back to bed.The nurse came twice in the morning to see how I was doing. I told her "Lousy"! I watched two movies without watching them because sometimes I fell asleep. Pauline came over to ask me where I had been and I told her why. I went to bed at 7 pm, I thought it was 8 and read on my tablet. I fell asleep and slept well until 5 when Rosie jumped on my stomach claiming breakfast. The poor girl must have felt that something was wrong with me, I had forgotten to fill her bowl before going to bed ! A shame !

Sunday morning I thought somebody intended to break into my door, screamed "Good Morning, Madame, your breakfast" and as I didn't answer right away she screamed a second time. 

I mumbled something like "let me sleep, I give a damn about breakfast, turned around and fell asleep again. I only saw briefly that it was the housekeeper who was probably helping out and wasn't used to how breakfast was served. Sometimes you can understand murderers.

My belly cramps were better but still I was not feeling 100 % . Therefore I was hanging on my sofa and suffered in silence ! Hope that tomorrow I can jump to the ceiling !

My head of the day
My useless nurse


  1. I hope you're feeling better now. Was it something you ate? Is anyone else suffering?

    1. It was nothing serious, just air in the stomach ! when it was gone, I was OK again ! I only wonder why, I didn't eat a balloon or something special.

  2. Hope you are feeling better. At least you have people to check on you and help you.

  3. Shocking wind in Waterloo.

  4. I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. I think Rosie is a good nurse though. She's with you and that's a comfort.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Feel better, Gattina. Scritches to Rosie. ♥

  5. It must be reassuring to know there is a doctor on hand when you need help. Hope you feel.better soon.

  6. I'm used to drink soda water with my meals from childhood. I think it helps preventing stomach trouble. I remember one time, though, having cramps. It was when I drank soda after having eaten some fruit - and that's forbiden.

  7. Oh your woes make my tummy hurt just to think of it! I'm glad you could call on the Dr and nurse, but I am sorry you needed to. And I hope you are feeling much better now. There are times when I wish we lived where we could have a Dr on call like that. Of course it would be best never to need one, but after a certain age things do happen. ..The stroller pictures are all definitely aww-some!

  8. I am not sure your cat is a totally useless nurse. Often animals are more sensitive to our health issues than humans are.

    1. Sorry, I mean to change the Anonymous to Hels


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !