My friends took me on a tour through the South Downs a stunning landscape !

We went up to Beachy Head were the ground suddenly ends and if you don't pay attention you could just walk over the cliff and fall down. My friends didn't want to go near there, but I wanted and although I get already dizzy on a balcony of a second floor, here I felt nothing. But I was careful, I laid on the grass and bent my head down to see these beautiful white cliffs and took these pictures. Unfortunately this is also a very well known place for people who don't want to live anymore and just jump down the cliffs.

A range of cliffs is called the "Seven Sisters" where a restaurant is standing.
We ended our tour in a little village nearby Eastbourne and had tea and cake. Then it was time to pack my suitcase.
2. The next day I took the train to London
I wanted to visit the Mews and see the Royal coaches, but there were so many people lined up that I gave up and had lunch in this Pub near Buckingham Palace. When I took the picture I thought how time has changed, years ago I used to sit in Pubs and draw people, now I take pictures !

After I ride on the top of my bus, I stopped in Carnaby street for a coffee, before I went to the station, pick up my luggage which I had left there and took my train home. Mr. G. waited for me at the station and when I arrived home my cats didn't even greet me, apparently I hadn't been missed.
3. As usual after holidays there are quite some work to do, I unpacked my suitcase and pottered around.
4. Normal life started again with some shopping, it rained and I returned quickly home, there was a lot to do to sort out all the photos I had taken.
5. During school holidays we have no painting class. But as we are very eager students, some of us meet each week for painting. The truth is we don't paint very much we mostly chat more around a coffee ! So I went there and updated myself of the last happenings. The rest of the day I spent blogging in our garden.