more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.
1. On Monday I drove my neighbor to the otologist because she had a bad ear infection. When we came back the temperature had dropped and there was glaze on the main street, despite the heavy traffic. Fortunately we returned home without any problems. It snowed the whole night and temperature dropped from 10°C (50 F) to - 12°C (9F) ! I can't remember when we last had such temperatures and never in March that's for sure.

The result next morning was a big mess in Brussels, no buses, no subway, no trams and almost no trains !
The whole country not used to so much snow broke literaly down ! Some people spent the whole night in their cars. Of course I couldn't go outside either impossible to get out of the garage and drive on the street.

When I opened the shutters I had this view !
3. Nicole's 83 year old neighbor had now Internet installed and was eager to get an email address and to learn a little more how it works.

Her terrace was covered in snow too and it was hard to believe that just a week before

I had sit there in short sleeves ! Charlie the dog preferred to stay inside because it was so cold. I made an email address for Simone and she was very happy and proud ! Now she said when people ask me I can give them my mail address ! Despite her old age, she learns very quickly !
4. While we were freezing, grandson Toby enjoyed the warm weather and sunshine on the Canary Islands in Spain.

My son had sent us some pictures and I think he had a lot of fun !

While we were watching the News, they were suddenly interrupted because of the election of the new pope ! It lasted for hours and the world could collapse, they still continued showing the biggest Show of the world ! We were more and more upset when we saw this fashion show and the pomp and abundance of the Vatican. This has nothing to do with faith and the bible's content anymore. It's just a shame. With all this money for only the various habits and different hats, first black, then red for more then 200 cardinals it would safe a lot of countries where people are starving, without counting the pope's with jewels decorated and handmade golden embroideries fancy hat and the ring and other jewels he is wearing ! It is a real shame and this old fashioned religion doesn't belong anymore into the 21st century ! I doubt that the new pope will allow priests to get married and that women could become cardinals too ! and probably no change either for birth control or homosexuality. Maybe the pedophiles will be punished more severely ! We watched a movie and I only learned his name the next day ! And the circus will continue ...
From one day to the other again the temperature raised and now the streets are full of dirty snow and it's rather hard to park the car. I had to go to Brussels to pick up Mr. G.'s birthday gift which I can't mention here, in case for once he reads my blog ! I left Waterloo in sunshine and arrived in Brussels with a new snowstorm, but fortunately the snow didn't last !
Honestly ! I am really fed up with this long lasting winter !!