2. Four of our painting group met for lunch in our Asiatic restaurant and we could even sit outside on the terrace. It was very nice and we stayed there until 3 pm !
3. I had got a flower bouquet from my son for my birthday and some of the flowers which were in there just dried. So I didn't want to throw them away and made a table decoration.

I had a log and just pinned the flowers and 3 snail houses on it. And this is the result.
4. I prepared the documents for my trip to the UK. As each year I will stay at my friend's house in Eastbourne, only this year it will be a little strange at least in the beginning because my friend past away last year. Last year I stayed in a hotel but this year he insisted that I should do as it has always been for nearly 10 years. From there I will go alone on a coach tour up to Edinburgh where the Edinburgh Tattoo takes place, make a boat trip on lochs and will see Gretna Green and Glasgow. Then I return to Eastbourne for 5 days and meet with other friends too.
5. We had the visit of our young friend and I spent the whole afternoon in the garden.
We had a problem with our oldest cat Pookie (18) and I feared the worst. She walked like a drunken sailor. The vet came and we were already prepared to say good bye forever to our dear Pookie, but fortunately it turned out that she was still in quite a good shape and the fact that she has lost her balance, apparently is normal for old cats. We had our morning shock and it took me some time to recover !
Mr. G. tries to stop cigarette smoking and had bought an electronic cigarette, which Arthur presents here. Apparently it helps he only smokes now 3 real cigarettes per day, and I am happy because it doesn't smell at all, it's as if he is smoking a water pipe !
more participants here at FIVE ON FRIDAY