There are 13 parties to choose from, and finally the result was this cake above. The Americans have it easier with only two parties ! Now our King to everybody's surprise has asked the Flemish nationalist to form a government for whole Belgium. That cut the grass off under this guy's feet, who not only wanted to form a Flemish government, but also wants a republic and no King anymore. Now he is forced to play the game and has no other choice. The King is clever he made a "friend" of his worst enemy. We all rubbed our hands in malicious pleasure. Impossible to split the country now.
2. Besides my Yoga class I didn't do anything special, except that I was in the mood to buy some new feathers which doesn't happen very often.

Therefore I made a tour in a nearby store and came back with two new outfits, perfect for my forthcoming travel to Cornwall.
3. It was cool and rainy and Nicole had invited me, we couldn't go out for a walk so we stayed home and dog Charlie was happy to see me and brought me his toys.

My garden chores are finished until autumn I have planted the last flowers in the pots on our terrace and also on our little animal graveyard. Besides cutting off the ivy which grows like weeds, I should have no work to do anymore. What a relief !
5. On Sunday afternoon I was invited for coffee and cake at Ilona's mother. I showed her the pictures I had taken at her 90th birthday celebration. She really was very happy about it and asked me for some copies. But I think I will make a photo album for her.

After that we made a tour at the Waterloo Lion. There were a lot of tourists there from all countries ! The site is in an awful state, because it will be completely transformed for the 200th anniversary of the battle. The costs are estimated to € 40 million Euro (54 million $) for this project. The works had begun last year and should be finished by June 2015. As it looks right now, there is still a lot of work to do !
There will be an underground museum, on the picture above you can see the entrance to the museum. I like to go there from time to time just to see how far they are with this project.
more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.