The star of the shop is Cookie the parrot. He likes to chat and I too, so first thing was to say hello to him. We chatted for a while, he says all kind of funny words, and when I left he whistled behind me like men do when they see an attractive woman. I thought, how times have changed, in the past men whistled behind me and now a parrot. That's life !
2. I always complain about the wet and rainy weather we have in Belgium. In fact my blog should be completely wet. To comfort myself I just took my car and went to my favorite Indian store

and you can see it here when I arrived.

I bought this little case for my new camera and was happy that the elephant and my camera had the same color. Sometimes little things can make your day.
3. I had moved my desk from behind my bed to the window and was quite satisfied with the result. It made my room bigger. But still it didn't look as I would have wanted. The little table I had put on my desk so that the screen was at eye level, disturbed me.

before after
and then suddenly I had an idea ! why didn't I put my chair lower ? I only had to pull on the level ! I did ! Now it looks much better and I also can observe what is going on in the street, some kind of neighbor watch ! When I think that it took me
4. To free Mr. G. of my constant presence (the life of a retired couple) I escaped to my friend Ilona. There we chatted about forthcoming holidays together, and the world in general. We also talked about the French president's love affair and found ridiculous what a mess the press tried to make about it. After all he is not married and even if he were, what have politics to do with his private life ? Nobody has first ladies here in Europe, and in Belgium it would even be rather funny we would have a first Sir, as our prime minister is homosexual. Nobody cares, he is an excellent politician and that is what counts. Fortunately that was the opinion of the French too.
5. We had a visit from a photographer of the local Newspaper in our painting class, who took picture of us while we were busy painting our master pieces ! I was just busy to finish mine,

and when I took this picture I didn't realize that behind my painting was a shopping bag with an advertising of a "Domestic Art" exhibition, which is not at all the same as it was all about food !
In the afternoon I drove my neighbor to the hospital to Brussels, where she got her monthly shot in one eye, as usual it was hard to find a parking space and we arrived rather wet !

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.
More participants here at A rural Journal.