On Monday finally we could pick up our visa for Russia. We got a number and 10 min later our number was called and a very friendly young man who spoke perfectly English gave us our passports.
He joked when he saw us life and on the pictures of our visa which is glued into the passports. We said we really looked like dangerous terrorists, and we all laughed. So now we have all requested papers for our 10 countries round trip.
As 3 of our scrabble group were on holidays, I went to Myriam and we sat the whole afternoon
in her garden and chatted. It was too warm to scrabble and then only two is not much fun.
The school year is finished, officially on June 30, but a lot of people are already away.

For us too it was the last day of the "year", and we celebrated with champagne and snacks, and even a little birthday cake. Anyway we arranged that we can use the room in August and will get together without teacher. Otherwise two month holidays are too long if you are retired and on holidays the whole year !
As it was so nice and warm 6 of us decided to have a sandwich or salad in a little snack, but with a huge terrace. We arrived around 12 and suddenly it was 3 pm !

My office is again outside and sometimes when one of the numerous magpies sit in the grass, I think it is Rosie my cat, when I just have a quick glance. Of course when it flies away I realize that it couldn't be Rosie !

Even the King and Queen of Belgium couldn't resist the excitement !Nobody had never seen them like that, just like ordinary people !(picture top right)
Besides that whole Belgium is in football (soccer) fever again, the Red Devils won against the UK, the country went mad. I saw a whole school class disguised in devils, and finally dear Trump was right when he said that Brussels is a "hell hole" For the moment it's true for whole Belgium !!