My week started badly ! I had to do a blood test and therefore get up early and the worst is I was not allowed to drink a coffee with sugar. I didn't know drank my coffee and walked over to the laboratory to have me test made. It's just the building next door and I had to walk which is criminal for me in such an early hour (it was 9)
The waiting room was empty so was the laboratory, no doctor in view. After 5 min I called "hallo anybody there" ? and heard a woman's voice telling me that during July and August Mondays and Fridays there are no tests. I was so upset my whole morning was spoiled.
And finally as it rained I stayed home I made a private lockdown, now that we are set free, more or less. It was my turn to receive the Scrabbelers so I bought a cake and as the hairdressr was just outside the supermarket I was lucky and she could take me right away.
After that I felt better at least I didn't look like a mop anymore. Before we started scrabbeling, I wanted to try to put the vaccination certificate on my smartphone, but for that I needed an identitiy card reader and it turned out my old thing didn't work anymore. We gave up and started Scrabble, it went quite good for me.
In the evening Rosie had a cuddle attack and purred and rubbed her head against my hand. And suddenly she bit and ran away ! I was not very happy of course but it didn't bleed and I thought it was nothing special. I desinfected the little hole put a plaster on it and went to bed.
The next morning when I woke up I thought I was wearing a boxing glove . I am not quickly shocked but this seemed rather dangerous to me. I called my doctor who lives next door and could go over immediately. It's an infection and I have to take antibiotics. I thought I could do the blood test as I was already there, and the paper I had forgotten not at home but at the doctor. Unfortunately with this infection I was not allowed to, because the test wouldn't be exact.

Unfortunately it is my right hand and t's difficult to use it it hurts too much. Fortunately I have not too much to do, but even typing hurts. Hope it will better tomorrow.
I also visited Mr. G and participated in a very funny game, one had to wear a picture on his forehead and find out who or what it was and we gave tips.
Poor Elvis if he would see how his fans look today ! I really had to laugh because all the vintage ladies tried to dance even in their wheelchair. One man couldn't remember the name of the person on his forehead and explained : First he was black, then he was white and he danced like that ! He got up and tried to show us the moon walk ! We really had a lot of fun and instead of staying one hour I stayed until 5 pm !
So another week went by and now I suffer in silence and don't type anymore !!