My neighbor had given me the address of her doctor who fortunately has her cabinet not far from my home, so I called her took an appointment and met her for the first time. I liked her at the first sight and my decision was quickly taken, I would take her. Now she has to ask my files from my "old" doctor which means 40 years of paper ! (He didn't like computers even when they became common) After she had examined me she told me that I am at the end of my miseries and it's not necessary to take other medication as the once I had already swallowed for a whole week. Now, she said it takes time to get fit again, for the time being I feel rather weak !
2. I took another appointment in our medical center for a blood test and went to Dracula's cabinet, where 5 small tubes were filled with my precious blood. Dracula found me rather brave, he said that mostly men would faint when their blood is taken, that's why they are called "strong" men.
Now I have to wait for the results.
3. Running now on 90 % of my usual body capacity, I was glad that I could go to the theatre play which Dominique had booked for us already some time ago.

The theater was an old brewery which had been transformed into a restaurant, bar and theater. To get there is quite funny, you have to go into a parking and from there, there are shuttles taking the spectators to the theatre, as there is no parking space at all in this street.
The stage is somewhere in the basements, low ceilings and metal tubes above your head. The room is not heated so we all got red fleece blankets in which we wrapped ourselves and felt nice and warm and looked uniform !

Dominique and I choosing our meal

The restaurant was very nice and we had a wonderful meal, grilled kidneys with chanterelles, before we watched the play.

The play was making fun of the banks and the money they try to get from their customers. The bank was a French one, which had been taken over by an Indian bank and were now under Indian laws. The old lady who wanted to take some cash was stuck in the turning glass door because the bank opened only at 9 am but not French time but Bombay time ! When the Indian bank manager appeared the employees had to dress in Indian clothes. It was hilarious. We spent an excellent evening !

Mr. G. who would rather die then give up smoking bought himself a cigarette making machine !That makes a huge price difference ! As loving wife instead of ironing his shirts I spent an hour rolling cigarettes ! It's really easy ! You put the tobacco inside the little machine, and the empty cigarette at the end, push the whole thing together and it's done. Don't think now that I do this to become a widow earlier as smoking is bad for the health, which I know, so useless to remind me, I did this only exceptionally, because I think during the time it takes him to make a cigarette he has no time to smoke !
more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.