MANIC MONDAY LINKFor Manic Monday this week's word is ONE
@ Lisachaos proposes the following for this funny Monday :
"Let’s meet your pets. I think most of us have at least one pet and I would like to see your fluffy or scaly pal. If you don’t have a camera you can tell us about him/her/them. If you don’t have a pet tell us about a pet you had or a pet you want. If for some weird reason you hate all animals we want to know why gosh-dang-it."That's a theme I really love and it gives me the opportunity to present you my five cats although some of you know them already from their adventures on my
Cat Blog.For years when we were both working we had two cats. The first one belonged to the whole family but the second one belonged officially to our son. Of course for feeding and vet purposes this cat belonged suddenly also to us.

This is Lisa our oldest cat she will be 17 years old this year. Lisa is a very bullheaded cat when she has something in mind there is nothing to do she always wins. When she decides to be hungry at 3 or 4 am, you
have to get up and feed her otherwise she would meauw an opera and scratch whatever comes under her paws. We tried to educate her but it was useless, now we get up, stumble in the kitchen feed her half asleep and climb in our beds again. Then we are allowed to sleep longer.

Arthur was adopted because Mr. Gattino had always dreamt to own a white cat. He is 6 years old and very special. He knows the whole neighborhood and they know him. He usually naps in all their beds too, loves to work under cars and comes home covered with black oil spots. He also loves to climb in cars as soon as a door is open ! All neighbors know it ! He is a very friendly and social cat. He is the
one who always has funny adventures and puts himself in the most strangest situations. Since we adopted Rosie he is in love with his little "sister" and plays around with her.

Rosie is 8 months old now, she is the first cat I adopted through Internet, because I wanted a "tuxi" cat with a black mask on her face. She also is the first cat I could follow with my camera from the very beginning and could follow up her development since her birth day. I even have a picture of her with her mother.
Rosie is very affectionated and she shows now to be the most intelligent
One of her specialities is to make order, that means during the night she collects her 5 little mice "dolls" and puts them neatly around the food bowls. Four around and
one in the food ! It makes us laugh every morning. She also takes good care of Arthur and washes him until he gets angry, probably she is afraid that his white fur could seem dirty.

We had enough of course with our 3 cats until one day our son asked us if we could host his two cats for 3 months because he had to move to Amsterdam (NL) for his work. He lived in London and had a house so the cats were used to get in and out. But in Amsterdam he was in a flat and although Pookie (picture above) got used to the inside life quite well, Kim was impossible to keep in a flat. She was so unhappy that she refused to eat.
This happened 5 years ago and the two cats are still here. Of course they could never go back to our son, they are now so used to us.
Pookie is 10 years old now but I also knew her since she was a kitten. She is a very "female" cat, doesn't like Lisa and doesn't like Rosie. But she loves me and she also is a clever cat. She considers Kim who is much bigger as her daughter because she was one year old when our son adopted Kim.

And here is Kim, she really is a beauty but unfortunately that's it. She is very shy only loves cats even the bad once, but doesn't like humans. If I didn't know that she was born at my English friend's house and our son picked her up there, I would think that she had been badly treated when she was a kitten. But she always had a good life and grew up with Pookie. Kim always lives outside but comes in for food and allows us to pet her a little but not too long. She never plays and had never played either even when she was a kitten. She really is a strange cat. Sometimes she just sits there and meauws as if she would talk to herself.
Cats are just like humans, they also have all kind of characters and intelligence levels.
Now you know why we have 5 cats. But I have to say they are never really all together. Sometimes there is not even
one cat around and we are sitting alone in the living room. Sometimes they are two or even three but never all five together. They come and go through the cat flap and they also eat whenever they want to. For that Mr. Gattino is the official canopener.