For MANIC MONDAY please scroll down !
Kitten's Homeschool is hosting Fun Monday and thinks
it would be neat to hear about the story behind our homes and the road we live on. It doesn't have to be historical, maybe just something that stands out.Anyway there is nothing historical about my house except the town where I live which had been the battle field of Napoleon, Waterloo.
My house story is rather short. After 4 years of marriage and the baby's arrival, we decided to buy a piece of land outside Brussels where we lived in a flat. It had to be not too far from our working places and we started to look around on each weekend. From all suburbs we visited around Brussels, we liked Waterloo the best. It was a cute little town with a lot of farmland around and not far at all, only 15 km (9 miles) from our offices.
The first one we saw we immediately felt in love with but then we thought we have to look at other available places too because there could be something nicer. But nothing really pleased us and we returned to the first one we had seen. It was not big, rather small and we could have had a bigger one for the same price, but we wanted this one and nothing else.
It was in a very quite street with a big corn field behind a little wood and a field with cows ! Without hesitating we bought it. I don't tell you the troubles we had then with the house building, not so the house itself but with the basement and with all the necessary installations. Instead of 6 months delay to move in, we finally moved in after one year and that was in 1975.
Our street still is very calm and our house still looks the same. The only things which have changed are the surroundings. No field behind our garden anymore, but houses, the little wood was reduced to make space for other house buildings. The cows had disappeared and on the field other houses had been built too.
I am quite sad about this but then I tell myself that for 30 years I enjoyed the corn field behind our house which was an ideal playground for the children and also the cow field which had a hill where during winter the children could go sliding with the farmer's agreement. We had had a country life while being very close to Brussels. Today Waterloo had become an international little town and has all shopping malls, shops or boutiques you want. I don't have to go to Brussels anymore for shopping.

Our house hasn't changed only the bushes, trees and the hedge grew a lot !

The backyard. This wheeping willow had been a tiny little stick not even 1 m high ! See the result in 32 years ! There behind had been the cornfield.

Our street towards Waterloo center where the cows had been.

and on the other side

MANIC MONDAYI never learned Carols in english. I know them in German and french. Not even "silent night" besides that it is followed by "holy night". But my favourite carol is this :
Silent Night ....

and it is understandable for everybody !