For our National Day festivities I had been asked to be a volunteer. My assignment was to keep out the people who wanted to enter the park where the festivities took place despite the barriers. There was a meeting with the Police Chief inspector and other members of the city administration to explain us what we had to do. When I arrived I saw the new statues besides the city hall and found them really cute. It gave back the image of the country side, which Waterloo had once been.
2. The National Day was on the 21st but it started already one day before.
I had to wear my Waterloo jacket from last year's bicentenary so that I looked "official". Despite the barriers some people still wanted to go through so I had to explain that for security reasons there were only two entrances to the park and not like the years before where you could go into the park from everywhere. The majority of the people understood and was very friendly, but there were also some who were not happy at all to walk three houses farer and nearly insulted me. I was sitting or standing there for 2 h and had quite a lot of fun.

The first picture shows our stand from where all volunteers were dispatched. There were already quite a lot of people who drank their beer and listened to a Karaoke show. Some singers were very good, but some had never heard themselves singing. My cat Arthur sings better.

For once Mr. G. came with me (because he knows quite a lot of people from Waterloo) and we arrived when the official part of the festivities just started. The mayor marched in with men carrying flags then the national anthem was played. Our mayor is a pretty women, very clever and mother of 3 children. It's the blond one with the white blouse. After that we walked around met lots of people Mr. G. knew, had a coffee and before the big heat started we returned home !
5. The Facebook group "Vivre à Waterloo" (Living in Waterloo) met at the basket ball stand and

there we were celebrating and meeting each other life, it was very nice. As table cloth we had the Belgian flag !
and a 10 year old girl had painted her finger nails with the Belgian colors !
The police too looked relaxed and enjoyed the cheerful ambiance, despite the fact that the day before our Carrefour supermarket had to be evacuated because a suspicious parcel had been found. Fortunately it was not dangerous, I don't even remember what was in it. Anyway we have to live and make the best out of it.
more participants here at FIVE ON FRIDAY