2. For the first time since nearly a year I went to my Yoga class. It was nice to see all the people again and I noticed with pleasure, that I hadn't become rusty at all. It worked quite well.

The room has a metal and glass roof and the rain made a terrible noise, as if it was hail.
3. It was time again to buy cat food for my little monsters, I don't know if it is the winter but they really have a good appetite !

Cookie the parrot was sitting on his cage and tried to eat my camera when I took pictures of him, and then as usual whistled in admiration behind me when I left. Yes, time goes by, in the past it was men who whistled, today it's a parrot.
4. My friend Chantal came for a visit, she was very excited, she will go on a holiday in Dubai ! Her son's friend works there and they can have his apartment while he is in Belgium. She also found somebody to take care of her husband who is still laying in his bed like an empty shell, he has to be fed and washed, he doesn't recognize anything anymore, doesn't speak, he just is like a living corpse after a car accident 7 years ago ! What a terrible burden, but Chantal takes it easy and she really deserves these holidays, as she can never be absent for a couple of days, she always has to find somebody for her husband.

I bought a new panel for the little table which I use as my desk. It is bigger and I have more room. As I am a real zero when it comes to craftsmen skills, Ilona came over and checked the wooden panel and what painting would be needed. By pure coincidence I had bought the right wood, and she will come and paint it for me next week. She is a real genius, she can do everything in a house, from plumbing to paper a room, painting, laying parquet etc etc. She really doesn't need a man !

Nevertheless she asked Mr. G to help her to measure her car, as she needs a car cover to protect it from the rain. The car had been repaired recently but becomes still a little wet inside through the roof. While I tried to find the right one by googeling on Internet.
more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.
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