2. On Monday we wanted to return to the Toulon habor, but it was so windy that we changed our mind and went instead to the little habour close to home and had delicious galettes (stuffed salty crêpes)

I watched how they prepared mine and enjoyed the sunshine behind a windscreen, before we returned home and spent the rest of the day on the terrace or inside when it got too cold. Pierre was busy with his vegetable garden and Claudie exercised for her piano lessons.
3. Together with Claudie's sister, husband daughter and her niece with two little girls we went visiting Marseille.
The 7 year old Lea wanted to have a picture with me so Claudie took one just before our departure.

Marseille is a very beautiful town, they had renovated a lot in the last years and we didn't regret at all having taken the sightseeing bus and made a big tour through Marseille. I took a lot of pictures and will write about it in a special post.

The last day I spent on my beachbed and soaked in the warm sun, before I returned into the cold and rain. This was my home for 10 days. When I arrived the leaves were not yet out or just started and now it's all blooming and green.
5. In the afternoon Claudie drove me to the airport and I was far too early. The security check was good but not so slow as when I arrived. So I was quickly inside. Fortunately there was free WiFi so I watched a little movie waiting for my plane. The flight back was smooth and without problems and also in Brussels' South airport I could get out without any problems or controls. There were a few heavily armed soldiers chatting with the people. Mr. G. was waiting for me and ..... it rained ! I was home !