Our street also looked quite slippery, but once out and on the road to Brussels there was no snow left. While she was busy with the doctor, I did some shopping for New Year's Eve. When I came back she was a little depressed, because on top of her Macula she now has cateract too and has to have surgery. But she is amazing, she doesn't loose here good mood and even made fun of herself when I had to lead her to her house !

The card I had created for Waterloo city Social services had been printed and sent out. I can't deny that I wasn't a bit proud !
2. The next day I was busy with shopping for our New Year's Eve and in the afternoon I prepared a huge bowl of pasta salad with vegetables and chicken. I also bought some Röstis (little potatoe pancakes) and Blinis which I put on a plate together with Tarama and Tatziki the Greek spreads and Guacamole to put on them.
3. Together with Mr. G, we prepared the living room for the New Year's Eve festivities ! I rediscovered long forgotten plates and glasses, there were more than enough !
4. At 8 pm our guests arrived all with a plate and a bottle of wine or Champagne

The table was just big enough for all this food, Chantal had made a Tiramisu we kept in the fridge for desert. Rosie did some survey but then disappeared and Pookie checked the bottles. In the pictures above you can see the Röstis and Blinis with their spreads and then the whole buffet ! We were 7 and I had never thought that we would eat nearly all of it, there was not much left !

Charlie Nicole's Golden Retriever and Marianne's Kiwi were also part of the party, as there is so much firework going on in the city, they couldn't be left home alone, they are so scared ! My cats didn't bother, they slept on the beds only cat Arthur came to sniff at Charlie, was disgusted by his smell and returned to bed.

The whole evening we were eating, drinking chatting and laughing a lot ! From left to right there is Vivienne my neighbor, Pierre, Mr. G's friend, Nicole, Marianne, Pierre's wife and Chantal.

I forgot to take a picture of the Tiramisu, we never thought that we would eat it all, it looked as if it was for 20 people, but it was so good that everybody served himself twice and Charlie cleaned the plate ! The party lasted until 2 am only interrupted by the New Year's wishes and then everybody returned home. They had some troubles as the cars were frozen and the street very icy, but everybody arrived home safely.
5. My friend Claudie from the South of France should arrive at 6 pm in Brussels, but once more the trains are late. This time nearly an hour ! So now I am on "standby" because I don't know yet if I have to pick her up in Brussels or in Waterloo. There is only one train per hour ! And the government tells us to take "public transports", I think the politicians don't know what that means ! Loosing a lot of time is apparently no problem for them !
more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.