Once living of my own I wanted to show that I am able to bake a cake and choose one with yeast dough. I don't remember what cake it was exactly because it never came to an end.
Proudly I spread all ingredients on the table and the cookbook and prepared the dough. It went perfectly and I was very satisfied. Somebody had told me to cover the dough with a towel and put it in a warm place so that it could rise and unfold like a flower. I had made a small one at least I thought so. When everything was ready I put the bowl with the dough and towel close to the radiator and left for work. I thought now it has time to fully develop and nobody bothers it.
When I came back from my office the whole entrance smelled delicious yeast dough ! I opened the door to my apartment and saw the catastrophe. The bowl had disappeared under a thick layer of dough that stretched to the carpet! It was just awful. It looked like a witch's kitchen.

I cleaned everything and swore that I would never bake a cake again in my life and kept my word until today ! Now I let the others bake, I prefer to test if it's good.
Linking to SOCS - Dough