On December 6, 1969 we got married. Today it would have been 55 years ! But he got very sick and sadly passed away in 2022. Happy wedding anniversary, wherever you are !
The whole week we had cold and humid weather or it rained ! Fortunately we had a lot of work decorating the castle for Christmas ! First comes Saint Nicolas on December 6, who is very important here, or rather was, because now people celebrate more Christmas. So he oldies told us stories about their childhood when Saint Nicolas brought little gifts. On Christmas there was only family gathering and a lot of eating.
Christmas trees didn't exist, they moved slowly into Belgium in the 70th. I remember that it was real difficult to get a fir, today it has become a real industry. I had to replace the real fir with a fake one, because I had a baby, 3 cats and a dog !

First the entrance, somebody had put father Christmas into the tree as if he was drunken ! It took us nearly the whole afternoon.
The next day it was the restaurant, and there I was surprised how many residents had never seen how one decorated a Christmas tree !
It seemed as if everybody counted on me for the decoration, because the Germans were the first ones in history who made a Christmas tree. I did my best and at the end it looked nice. We also had a crib Joseph was OK but Mary had lost her head ! I put her in a corner with some straw and it looked OK. It was real fun and at the end when we had our coffee, we had a lot to tell about our childhood.
The next day we went together to the same restaurant we had done a month before. The menu was very good, better then the first time and there was an English singer, a girl with a very good voice and she sang all English Christmas songs, which most of us had never heard. So it was very interesting for them. One of us got up and danced and a gentleman from another table joined her. The third generation of teenagers !

When we came home, we were all wet, just from walking from the bus to the entrance !
I had a surprise visit, my son was in Waterloo for a funeral and took the opportunity to come and see me in the afternoon, which of course was a pleasant surprise. We chatted together and he could see my Christmas decoration. We made a plan for Christmas, which would be suitable for everybody, they will come the weekend before Christmas and we celebrate here, and then the weekend after it's the turn of the Dutch family.