We still had beautiful weather when we left for Stockholm. When we arrived we explored the city in our bus, but continued walking to see the red, orange and terracotta coloured buildings.

The town center is old and has some crooked houses but we went there in the afternoon.

First we wanted to see the museum which houses the 17th century, 64 gun warship, the Vasa. It was really amazing to see such an old ship fully intact !
Then we left Stockholm to join our Ferry boat taking us to Helsinki ! I had never been on such a ferry it was like a cruise ship ! We had to check in almost like for an airplane, I had scissors with me and had to open my bag, but finally the guy let me through with my scissors and I promised I wouldn't kill anybody ! The ship was huge and had 10 floors, 7 with cabins and 2 with restaurants, shops, slot machines, a night club etc. It also was very nice to sit on the deck !

This was our ferry you can see my friend Bunny walking towards the check in and me sitting in our cabin without windows of course. But it was comfortable we had a good bed and a bathroom with shower, everything we needed for a night. I felt like sleeping in a cradle rocking softly ! Only when I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night I walked like a drunken sailor ! It was really a very special experience !
At 9 am we arrived in Helsinki and did first a tour with our car. Then we were left alone our guide disappeared.

After having walked around and found a church we should visit closed because of a wedding, we discovered the city alone. We had a nice meal on the market, Bunny ate reindeer meatballs (poor Rudolf) and I had fish. It was served with little potatoes and vegetables.
As there was nothing special to see in Helsinki, we took a sightseeing boat which took us around some islands, apparently there are hundreds of them all around, and people usually have a weekend house there or uses a little island for holidays.
We were quite tired when we arrived in our hotel, which as usual is very comfortable and very nice.
Next time you will hear from me in St. Petersburg if I have time ! We will go there tomorrow !