2. Nicole and I had booked a week in May, because we had gotten a promotion cheque of 500 € last year when we booked for Egypt. Of course we wanted to use that money and go into a warm to hot country. There is not much choice in Europe itself it's still not warm enough. When I got back, Nicole informed me that the trip had been cancelled due to terrorist attack danger ! That made me really laugh ! I can go to Brussels, where it all started, and other countries tell their tourists not to go to Brussels because it is dangerous and Belgium complains about the lack of tourists especially in Brusssels, and now I am not allowed to go to Tunisia ! Instead they proposed us Egypt, Morocco and Turkey ! Europe becomes crazy.
3. After checking and choosing we finally decided to book a week in the South of Turkey, where it seems to be very beautiful. I had already seen a bit on one of my round trips but had never stayed there for a longer time. We went back to the travel agency and booked a week for end May. It is rather strange too, that Belgians need a visa while I with my German passport don't need one. That's crazy, apparently in each Belgian there is a hidden terrorist. I could be one too, as I am more Belgian and live here since my teenage times, I only kept my passport because it was cheaper than the Belgian one !
4. My camera doesn't work properly anymore, I can't switch off the flash, the zoom strikes and the pictures are not very sharp. Repairing would probably be as expensive as a new one so I bought nearly the same, a little better, a Canon Ixus 180 with Wifi. Now I have to learn a little more details. Otherwise there is no difference with the old Canon Ixus.

Nicole had invited Chantal, Ilona and me for a little birthday celebration. It was for once a sunny and warm day, we could sit outside and the Japanese Cherry trees were in full bloom. As usual we had a lot of fun and even more when Chantal wanted to show us a picture of her son dressed as a Sheik when he came back from Dubai ! Ilona needed glasses to see the picture and as the once of Nicole didn't fit, Nicole suddenly disappeared and came back with a whole basket full of glasses which she shook out on the table ! Ilona had the choice and we our fun ! I took the opportunity to try out my new camera !