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Jenny Matlock's Alphabet ThursdayLetter "V"
I am a very modern woman and you know why ? Because I have virtual friends.
Nobody around me has
virtual friends. When I say I have virtual friends, most of them don't know of course what I mean and they think I am ready for a madhouse. But I consider myself a lucky girl. My
virtual friends are like friends in real life. I can empty my heart and I always get recomforted and they understand me. It's just the same with the real friends. I mean those I know in flesh and blood, while the others I only know from pictures ! On posts you can't always write the truth, it would be boring for others.
virtual friends live in different countries and on different continents, but that doesn't matter. We may have other climates or landscapes, live on the other side of the world (it depends were you are standing), but all in all we lead the same life. We have the same feelings, the same interests and it would be so nice to meet each other once in the future. And why not. The world will get smaller and smaller, it got it already.
Imagine in 1830 it took 6 months to go to New York by ship, today it takes you 6 h by plane. And even Australia is not that far anymore ! And the UK are just around the corner, it takes 1 1/2 h to get from Brussels to London. It takes me more time to get to my friend who lives on the other end of Brussels ! There are not a lot of Blog friends I would dare to meet in real life, I am always afraid to be disappointed, but for a few I am to 99,9 % sure that it would work.
It starts already with the
voice. You imagine one and then the sound of the
voice is completely different from what you thought ! I have heard the
voice of one
virtual friend talking to me on the phone for the first time and had imagined a high girlish
voice when heard a rather deep one, I was so surprised that I nearly forgot to answer, which made us laugh when I told her so. I have met twice Blog friends, since I started Blogging in 2006, but it was rather disappointing. It turned out that they were not at all the same once I had thought and imagined so, it was nice to meet, but not more.
My in "flesh and blood" friends know my "
virtual" friends by name now. I don't have to explain anymore "you know the one in Australia who has sometimes a kangaroo in her garden which she has called "fat butt", or "the one with the dackels" and finally I get the impression that real or virtual, they are all my friends. The only difference is, that with my
virtual friends I can only share a
virtual tea or coffee time, and we eat our
virtual cake, but we can watch the same movies or series together only at different times.
I think it is wonderful to be able to know women from all over the world and even become friends and this is not virtual but real.