I decided to pull down the matrass on the floor, switched off the light and slept like a baby, except that with the light a moskito had moved in, which showed its love for me by singing around my head. I tried to kill it but apparently I am not a talented killer, it didn't work. Fortunately I had put a creme on so it couldn't do its vampire job.
In the morning I went to the reception at 8 am and told my story. He said he will sent somebody immediately to repair the bed, I had my doubts about repairing, but I didn't object. At 11, the somebody hadn't shown up yet. I called the reception and asked what he meant by immediately because it was 3 h later.
He excused himself and said he will sent somebody right away. At noon still no "somebody". Outside our flat I saw an employee called him and showed him the disaster. He scratched his head, then kneeled down put the bed together and hammered with his fists. The bed didn't want to be repaired and broke again.
I suggested a hammer.. He nodded and took the bed with him, demolishing nearly the door. That's a good idea I thought I will get a new bed. 5 min later another showed up with a hammer and looked around for the bed. I told him the bed was taken away by his friend (all are friends here), he nodded went to the bedroom with the hammer and looked at Chantal's bed. I feared the worst ! At this moment the first one came back with a "new" bed, and now I had what I wanted : a bed and a hammer ! The man with the hammer disappeared and the other put the bed together and I hope it won't break down again under my elephantic weight. I think I need a diet I broke already a chair here ! (see wordless Wednesday)

Little recompensations in the evening for my damaged soul