2. My Fuji touch screen camera fell from my bedside table and the screen was broken. No way to get it repaired, it was dead. Living without a camera and being an assiduous Blogger, is like living with only one arm ! After the first anger and being furious with myself, I decided to buy a new one, but what ?? Certainly not one with a touch screen ! The answer came per pure coincidence per email. My friend Claudie from the South of France had her birthday and got a new camera from her husband because their house was burgled and the her camera stolen. Knowing him as a very thoroughly man who had certainly done a lot of researches to find the best quality/price, I decided to buy the same and off I went to buy a Canon Ixus 132, which has all functions I need, it's small, handy easy and even allows Paparazzi pictures, which is very important for me as I love to take pictures of forbidden things.

3. Mr. G. had to do the technical things like putting in the date and time, and then I played around whole day (or nearly) to discover how to handle my new

I tried it out, "shooting" wild around me and am quite happy with the results. Of course I haven't found out all functions yet.

Trying to set the new mobile functions;
My friend Ilona in a rage of changes in her living room, had spent some sleepless nights to find out what she could do. It was so simple that she got angry that she hadn't thought about it before ! She just put the dining table in the middle of the room, decided to to take an ugly office cabinet out in which she had her computer (with tower), which would make the room much bigger and as her mobile phone had given up its soul she also had bought a new one and asked me to come over to give my opinion about the new look of her living room and also to help her to set up the new mobile. I found her living room now much nicer, and when her strong grandsons will have taken out the monster office cabinet, she will have a new room, without buying anything new ! Happy with the result we had a tea together with the usual chatting.
5. Our neighbor had brought us a Galette des Rois, (King Cake), for the celebration of Epiphany, on January 6th. We both had each one slide, which btw were delicious, and the rest of the cake I had put on the cupboard in the kitchen, covered with an aluminium foil.

The next morning I found this in our kitchen ! Arthur who amongst all strange things also loves cake and had apparently enjoyed it very much, there was only a small piece left, and the crumbs all over the kitchen. Inside the King's Cake is a "fève" which is a little statue or picture or something else, and the one who gets it in his slice of cake also gets the crown which comes with the cake and then you are the King (or Queen) of the day.
I don't know where the "fève" is, maybe in Arthur's litter box !

After having cleaned up the kitchen I went to my painting class, where, of course I tried out my new camera too. I am painting a sunset/rise (I don't know) but it is not finished yet.

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.
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